soccerchick3339 Member


  • I did the 8 week plan as a way to see how to incorporate different videos. Now I can usually put together a decent workout on my own from the videos, but the plan was good starting point.
  • I've never had any problem with any of the regular ones (i.e. no caffeine), but I use them sparingly, mostly only for when I'm really craving soda/tea/juice.
  • I do this quite often because I can prep food in advance and then just grab and go. M-F I eat an oatmeal toaster for breakfast because they are easy to keep at work. For lunches I will typically stick to the same general format each week (so one type of salad every day for lunch). This week I bought a big box of baby…
  • Sonic - Grilled Chicken wrap with no sauce - 320 cals Arby's - Farmhouse Grilled Chicken Salad w/ Italian Dressing - 270 cals Applebees - Grilled Jalapeno Lime Shrimp - 300 cals
  • I just finished one of their 8-week programs and I really enjoyed it! I definitely recommend the programs since they have the videos all put together with warm-up, workout, and cool down links. The time usually varies from about 30-60 minutes. As for equipment, you pretty much only need an exercise/yoga mat (I had carpet…
  • Check out They have a variety of quick workouts that you can do...from HIIT cardio to strength to stretching.
  • Jazz apples!
  • I typically don't eat a whole lot for breakfast. Maybe a healthy granola bar or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of pineapple. I normally try to treat it as a snack and keep it under 200 calories.