barbpet55 Member


  • Some snacks that I munch on are fresh fruit, nuts, saltfree pretzels and my favorite evening snack is mixed berries in a bowl with greek yogurt on top. Love it!!! Hope this helps :)
    in Snacks Comment by barbpet55 August 2011
  • Herbalife has great meal replacement drinks and comes in great flavors.
  • I am just under 5'4 and currently weight 153. My goal is 145 but would love to lose more. Since January I have lost 32 lbs. I joined a "Biggest Loser" challenge twice and am about to sign up again. Hopefully this challenge will bring me to my goal! Since January I have been making better food choices; incorporating more…
  • I recently completed a 12 week Biggest Loser challenge. We had over 20 people participating and it cost $35 for the 12 weeks. Each week we weighed in and if you gained a pound, you had to add $1.00 to a kitty. Each week we had a weight loss count down where you all stood and then we kept saying who lost this many pounds or…
  • Watch your calorie intake, exercise and make sure you are getting enough protein throughout the day. Hang in there, the numbers will go down!
  • Welcome to myfitnesspal. It is a great site/tool to use. Keeps you on track. I have lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks and am feeling great. Would like to lose 30-35 lbs more! I'm also watching my cholesterol intake and this really keeps me on track! Make sure you record all your foods intake, water and exercise! Barb