5'4 Ladies reached or almost to their goal?

SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
Good Morning or Day to everyone! I would like to know where the 5'4 ladies are at who are almost at their goal or reached their goal? If so how many more pounds do you have left?

I have about 10-15lbs to go but not sure if I can get down that far...I'm hoping so!

What have you done to make that possible? Changed up exercise, ate some exercise calories back?

Wanted to see what everyone else did because its been really hard these past few weeks to get there....


  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    your goals are much lower than mine :-)

    I am 5'3" and 140.4 lbs.

    My goal is 135.

    ..130 if I'm feeling EXTRA ambitious.

    but, I am also focusing on being muscular and strong. Anything under 120, I would consider unhealthy for myself.
  • RinaMax
    RinaMax Posts: 33
    I am 5'4" and started out weighing 151. I am now down to 130.8 lbs. I lost this 20 lbs over just over two months. While I initially was not eating back my exercise calories, I have started to eat some of them back as I need the energy. I'm currently training for a marathon again...so Sunday I did a 10 mile run. I'm trying to get down to an initial goal of 125 lbs. I know that at my absolute fittest when I was 17 and training hardcore, I was 117 lbs. So realistically I do not expect to get any lower than 120.

    If you are experiencing a plateau, I would suggest eating back some of your exercise calories since your metabolism is probably slowing down.

    As for your goal for 115lbs at a height of 5'4", I think it's ambitious to say the least. See how you feel at 120...because anything less than that may not be healthy. Of course, I don't know what your frame is like.
  • CristineD
    CristineD Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm currently 147 lb but would like to get close to 130. Lost 18 so far.
    I've started changing the exercise I do each week and about to buy a jump rope to add something new. I'm a stay-at-home mom so fit exercise in when I can.

    Would be interesting to see what others doing at this stage....
  • barbpet55
    barbpet55 Posts: 6 Member
    I am just under 5'4 and currently weight 153. My goal is 145 but would love to lose more. Since January I have lost 32 lbs. I joined a "Biggest Loser" challenge twice and am about to sign up again. Hopefully this challenge will bring me to my goal! Since January I have been making better food choices; incorporating more protein into my diet during the day and have been walking on a daily basis. Knowing that I will be weighed in weekly is incentive for me to stay on course and possibly being the "Biggest Loser" is a bonus! The first time around I came in 2nd place and won $165.00. I lost weight, inches and gained money!!!
  • RinaMax
    RinaMax Posts: 33
    Oh and as for exercise. I do zumba (1-3 times a week) and spinning (4-5 times a week). And just two weeks ago, I started doing long runs on Sundays. Adding the running in has helped get my weight loss moving again.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am 5'4" and started out weighing 151. I am now down to 130.8 lbs. I lost this 20 lbs over just over two months. While I initially was not eating back my exercise calories, I have started to eat some of them back as I need the energy. I'm currently training for a marathon again...so Sunday I did a 10 mile run. I'm trying to get down to an initial goal of 125 lbs. I know that at my absolute fittest when I was 17 and training hardcore, I was 117 lbs. So realistically I do not expect to get any lower than 120.

    If you are experiencing a plateau, I would suggest eating back some of your exercise calories since your metabolism is probably slowing down.

    As for your goal for 115lbs at a height of 5'4", I think it's ambitious to say the least. See how you feel at 120...because anything less than that may not be healthy. Of course, I don't know what your frame is like.

    You're right it is ambitious and I've lost weight before when I was around 19...almost 10 years ago and got down to 119...so maybe 120 would probably be my best bet. I don't want to sell myself short but I think just staying healthy overall is my goal. I have a small frame but Im pear shaped and would like to lose my thighs and underneath my butt area. I know running would help also. Do you do weight training? And Zumba would probably help out too.
  • I'm 5'4 and my current weight is 166 and so far I have lost 19 lbs. I want to get down to 140. I personally don't think anything under 130 is healthy for someone who is 5'4 unless you have a large frame. I do zumba 4 days a week, and work out at the gym twice a day doing weight training, treadmill, elliptical, and stair stepper. feel free to add me!
  • I'm 5'4 and my current weight is 166 and so far I have lost 19 lbs. I want to get down to 140. I personally don't think anything under 130 is healthy for someone who is 5'4 unless you have a large frame. I do zumba 4 days a week, and work out at the gym twice a day doing weight training, treadmill, elliptical, and stair stepper. feel free to add me!
  • fit_chica69
    fit_chica69 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started out on MFP around 144 lbs., as of today I'm 137.2 lbs. My goal weight is 120 lbs. Once I reach my goal I plan to start building muscle and maintain and be a healthy 125 lbs.

    I think changing up your workout will definitely help. I'm noticing it getting harder for the weight to come off. Currently I'm doing Slim in 6. This is my last week of the program, in the next week or two I'm going to start Chalean Extreme. Zumba sounds like a lot of fun too.

  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    i'm 5'4" and my current weight is 124, started out at about 133 (this time round) and have only 5lbs left to go as my goal weight is 119, although ideally i will probably want to go a little lower than that, maybe 117 just so that i have some room to manouvre if i put on a few pounds at some point (like christmas or birthdays etc) i have lost the most recent 5lbs in three weeks by upping my workout intensity, eating back about 90% of my exercise calories and being active to some extent every single day (bar one due to TOM) I am hoping i have actually lost a little more weight than the scales say as it is my TOM this week and whilst i used to always put on weight that week, it seems i have even managed to loose a little (1.2lbs this week) so perhaps i have lost even more?? (wishful thinking i know, shame i will be without scales to find out by the time its ended as i go on holiday to a remote part of the italian alps tomorrow morning)

    good luck to you, i know that the last 10-15lbs can be the most stubborn to loose, but as long as you dont give up and remember from week to week that the important thing is that you are loosing or at least havent gained (real weight, not water weight/fluctuations etc) then you are on track to reach your goal, it just might take a little longer than you might have hoped for.

    oh, and one last thing i do, is as i am a petite girl naturally, i just have a belly that makes me look preggers all the time, i have a NET calories goal of 1100 as i found 1200 too high for me to shift weight.

  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I am 5'4"ish with about 12 pounds to go (maybe a little more once I reach my goal, we will see). I am extremely surprised at how easy it has been for me to get rid of this weight. It was tough at first (being that I had fast food for lunch almost every day), but became easier as time went on. I read about people on here all the time that do not have a good support system outside of MFP and that breaks my heart. I have been very lucky in a way that I cannot put into words; my friends and family have been very encouraging.

    You have done such a great job, Sarah & I am honored to call you my MFP friend =)
  • unicorn19girl
    unicorn19girl Posts: 56 Member
    I am 5'4" and currently at 146...my goal is 140. I have been at this for two years and have lost 112 pounds. I would like to reach 135 but I am currently exercising 5 days a week and am very active much of my time. I have plateaued twice and am thinking it might be time to increase my calories to lose the last 5 or 10 pounds. But either way, I am happy with my success so if I never reach the magic 135 or even 140, I'll take 146 any day over my starting weight of 258. Good Luck to everyone and remember itss you who decides where you're happy..not a chart or scale.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    We have a similar goal of 115. I'm 5'4", small framed... started out at 150 lbs. It took me about 4 1/2 - 5 months to get to my goal of 115. I followed the 1200 calorie goal and did 30 min of cardio (running, elliptical, rollerblading) 3x per week. I started incorporating a "Saturday Cheat Day" about 2 1/2 months into my program. I gave up soda completely and the first 3 months I was very strict with junk food (chips & sweets) but later incorporated them into my calorie budget.

    The first month is the roughest, but once you get your body weaned off the crap foods and used to eating smaller portions then it gets easier.

    Best of luck to you and stay strong and focused...you can do it (this coming from the biggest procrastinator and lazy person in the world :)

    Oh also, I always ate back my exercise calories as close to my goal as possible.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and I started at 170 in January of 2010. I'm now at about 123-125, and just under 18% body fat. I hope to lose a few more, but I'm more concerned with BF % than scale weight at this point. I'd like to lose another 2% BF since I still have some stubborn areas that are a little pudgy. After that, I actually want to put on a few pounds of muscle and get the really ripped look I like.

    My exercise routine is weightlifting 5 days a week. I hit the weights hard and it helps a lot. I also do some cardio like Tabata training or elliptical or stair stepper every day, but it's not my focus - the weights are.

    Mt diet is pretty clean, and I found this to be key in getting those last 10 pounds off. You have to be really disciplined with your nutrition and you have to be patient. When you're already pretty lean and close to your goal, your body just can't handle big calorie deficits. So you actually have to eat a little more to lose at our weight. Sounds crazy, but it's true. You probably don't want a deficit of more than 500 calories, and you have to eat your exercise cals or you'll grind to a halt fast.

    Good luck!
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'4", started at 130 which I know is not a bad weight for our height but I carried the weight I had in my chest and belly. I've lost 10lbs and I am happy at 120. I am currently working on toning up and getting rid of the remaining belly pooch I have (almost gone) while keep my weight around 120.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    I started in June at 133, now 125. I am focusing on strength building and thinking about switching to maintenance.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Wow first of all you look fabulous! Currently I'm 144 lbs and my goal weight is 138 but I may change it when I reach that goal lol. It's tough when you get down to the last 10 lbs. I'm still losing inches....just no weight but I don't let that discourage me. Just keep things fresh and change up your exercise routine. You also may need to eat a little bit more. Just keep tricking your body so it doesn't know what to expect next. Best of luck to you:):)
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Am 5 ft 3.5 (5ft 4 on a good day haha!)

    I put on a lot of weight in the last two years as I was always between 126 and 133 most of my adult life. When I was 18/19 I was 115 and I looked to thin- for ME as I am a medium build with curves.

    Since May I have lost almost 14lb so am now 130ish but I still have 4lb to go before I reach my current goal which is to be 126 in time for a holiday to Sardina in Sept.

    I have found MFP to be a HUGE help in motivating me, two or three of my good friends are also on here and we encourage each other- in fact my best mate & I have pretty much lost 14lb over the same time scale which is brilliant. I have also "met" some very encouraging people on here too with similar goals which has been really motivating too.

    There have only been a couple of weeks where I haven't lost a pound or half a pound since I started - for example this week where I ate out ALOT, drank alcohol 4 nights of the week and generally went way over! But the good news is I didn't put on!

    I ate about 1400 cals at the start, then 1280, then 1350 for a while but I have just dropped back to 1200- crazy I know but it's just to get the last few pounds off after my week of indulgence. I do work out at least 4 times a week sometimes more- doing cardio (swim/run/spin) and body pump for strength. My body needs loads more work but that's something that will hopefully come over time. My aim when I come back from my holiday will be to maintain at 125/126 and concentrate on toning.

    Hope that helps - sorry to waffle a bit! x
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Oh yeh & I NEARLY always eat most of my exercise cals :)
  • I am 5'4 and weigh 152 my goal is 130-135 I am ahving a very hard time getting the scale to move!!
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