KarenHapli Member


  • Hey guys, can I join you on this thread? I'm Selkie's sister. :) When's the next weigh-in? I got down to 160 (from just shy of 200), but my will power and discipline failed me and I weighed in at the gym yesterday at 168 (yikes!). Anyway, I want to start small and manageable, to maintain my confidence (or rebuild it). I've…
  • Hmm...during the week, that time doesn't work for me (between the kids' karate classes some nights, and no one to watch the kiddos on other nights -- and they do not keep up, I've tried lol). Maybe we could meet up a night during the weekend?
  • Sounds like we're in the same boat! I lost 40lbs since last July...but then hit a wall. I'm hoping for the same results by joining here and finding support from people on the same path. :) Feel free to add me as a friend. :) Karen
  • Hi everyone! I know I'm late jumping into the group, but I just signed up today and went hunting for a group just like this. :) I was doing great for the last year. My high weight was just under 200lbs last July, and I got down to 160lbs (go me!), but for the last few months, I've been hovering between 160-164. I'd like to…
  • Welcome, I'm new here too. Like you I've been undereating, it seems, though just by a bit. Anyway, good luck! :)
  • Thanks everyone! I feel welcome already. :) I'm very excited about this site! Thanks, Shannon, for sending me to it. :)