MissHoney26 Member


  • I feel like its mostly only people who go from eating way too much calories to eating a much more normal amount of calories that are most likely to lose weight without exercise.. If you already eat normal and exercise high its kinda like going backwards
  • To me non-water is 'food' and besides coffee or hot cocoa I don't drink juice or soda type stuff.. I always add them even the little things like salt I add to make water boil and stuff like that but if I hadn't eaten all day I don't formally put my one sitting into mfp.. I can't keep anything in my head as I go I have to…
  • I recently read an article about how the hormones directed towards the parts that 'cramp' to release menstrual stuff also tend to wander off and make the wrong parts nearby 'cramp' causing diahhrea... But I can see how that process might cause constipation too
  • Thanks its a lot of good info. I'm a student too. Im finding it really hard to make time to eat during the day, even when I manage to bring something with me it usually ends up going bad in my bag. At best, I make time for a good small breakfast
  • Thanks. I'm not sure how my mood affects my diet, I'm not very aware of my mood at all... I'm pretty monotonous
  • Thank you, this sounds like something I need to learn. I'm not much of a eater so I do tend to eat everything separately... Since I was little I was like this, I'd eat some rice and turn down everything else for dinner, or vice versa I may eat just the meat for dinner, and if I find room for it I have something else from…
  • Feel bad like upsetting to the stomach, not necessarily indigestion but I feel nauseous-ish like when you eat too much of one thing in a sitting, or sometimes I feel slowed down and heavy.. But its never from eating too much so I assume its due to 'what' I'm eating
  • please please please!! I want to join and learn how to make healthy meals and keep a close look at how other people stick to it daily... I struggle with eating clean because me not knowing how to cook = eating a banana, a apple, a salad with oil+vinegar, painfully simple things like that! lol
  • Yes! I experience this a lot as when I am home from college for a shorter time like thanksgiving break for example, and I have been eating "my way" because I have control over my groceries etc I can eat something as simple as pizza and I keel over! or I try to treat myself to a frapp at a coffee date with my friends -- I…
  • I definitely make sure I record my food when I cheat. but cheating is usually buying vs making coffee or something easy to track like a bagel (i specifically log where I got it from, too). I try to overstate my food when I am unsure or don't finish every bite of food. The days I don't track are the days I am too busy to…
  • i've read here on MFP that there is a difference between levo and synthroid.. but I simply can't afford $35/month. that's grocery money. I hope that's not my issue too =/
  • is it really??? this is what the doctor kept telling me. I asked her if there are any other tests to look at she said no.
  • this will lead me to eat cookies and cakes, lol! ^-^ When I go to buffets I usually eat a very small plate of whatever is familiar to me. and maybe a bite or 2 of things I "try". =) i'm curious to find a million choice buffet though.. i went to a golden corral once, it was horrid! like a college cafeteria
  • I am not asking about me, I am asking about other people... "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR BODY LIKES TO EAT?" that thread attracted negative people so I started a new thread on a new topic. but thanks for trying
  • okay, but do you have advice for me if this has not worked? my levels are normal and I do not eat more calories than I use, even if I were to not exercise.
  • thanks for your advice. this is what I am trying to learn, baby steps -- but when my weight goes up suddenly, it really frustrates me! and sometimes its for something annoying like when its too hot/humid out I retain water like a sponge! then when the weather calms down I get okay. who does that. lol
  • thank you SO much -- and you know, your story of how you got diagnosed matches mine very well. I know I'm lucky to have caught it so fast but I think it happened because I was very persistent and despondent -- and when they tried to treat me for "low estrogen" before finding the real issue, I kept pressing because it…
  • I don't fully understand TDEE and BMR but I TRY to eat 1200. I have MFP set at 1400 but I find that impossible without filling up with junk which is obviously something I don't want to do. On a good day, I have time to stuff myself to nearly 1200. I at least know that I had calculated that I need to eat about 60g protein…
  • I'm sorry, I did not include my exercise habits so I guess you already knew that I do not exercise? I was a runner in high school and have continued my habits since then -- I am not a sedentary person. please save your "sarcasm" for someone else as I find it rude and negative. It would have been more appropriate to simply…
  • please try reading my original post, you will see what I have tried and haven't tried. You will see that I already take pills and that I am not happy to do so. If you needed more information, you could politely ask rather than being rude. Since being rude is your way of asking, I will tell you-- before I was disagnosed…
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH, you understand exactly the problem I was trying to get at. I'm not looking for MORE restrictions of course not, but I would like to be able to decently categorize the way I eat so I can find more information via Google and etc. Searching for just gluten free only gets me "alternative" foods like cookies…
  • thisi s helpful, thank you
  • im sory if you wouldnt feel defensive if somebody criticized you instead of reading what your problem is. I don't see how somebody reading my story about how I practically starved myself out of frustration then telling me maybe I should try eating less as a joke is "good advice". please help me understand how other people…
  • partly commenting so I know to come back and read the whole thread... I have the same problem, I wake up and I'm on the go, satisfied by a snack or a coffee with heavy cream until night, then suddenly it hits me when I get sleepy... normally I sleep best without food in my stomach - even the carbless meal keeps me awake..…
  • I'm sorry I don't find it such a "tease" from somebody I don't know when asking about something that I don't find very funny. I know everything that you have just told me I have tried very consistently to lose weight at one point that I was uncomfortably hungry even after eating, which definitely means I was eating less…
  • thanks very much for your help. youre right I don't sit to eat, I grab and go when I remember to or make the effort. I usually just have most of an appetizer or barely touch my plate when I go to restaurants and still leave feeling stuffed!
  • Telling me to try what I have obviously tried for the past 2 years is not sarcastic its useless. do not bother to type on your keys if you have nothing to contribute besides rude snide remarks. nobody asked for sarcasm or whatever you felt you had to say I asked for advice.
  • thanks for that information! I was told that heart disease = avoid eating too many eggs
  • this is what I am trying to figure out. I haven't located a nutritionist yet, hopefully I will be able to when I am home from college. Going by how I feel, leaves me conflicted information.
  • being snide certainly helps, thank you for your insight