

  • It depends on what I'm using it for. I really like stevia on fruit, but for Iced tea I use a pink and a blue (sweetnlow and aspartame). Somehow the combination of the two is sooooo much sweeter than any others alone. I picked this up from my mom years ago.
  • You go girl! I know you feel so much better. You need to keep that in your head to motivate yourself to keep going. What you have already done is so impressive, don't give up now!
  • Congratulations on quitting smoking!!! I still have that nasty habit! I am also pretty new to the website and getting my feet wet. Good luck! This is a totally different perspective for me (counting calories) and it really helps keep you honest, if you log everything. Tends to make you make smarter choices. Best wishes!
  • Hi everyone. Yes, infections, particularly MRSA are bad news. It is said that over 50% of us carry MRSA in our nose and it never affects us unless our immune system is compromised. I am intimately familiar as MRSA killed my 87 year old father over a 3 year period. He had been on dialysis for over 10 years when he passed.…
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