What's Your Sweetener Choice?



  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    sucanat, maple syrup (the real stuff not artifical crud), or honey when baking or cooking
    honey or stevia in drinks
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    I have been using Canderel, which I think may be a UK only brand as I havent heard it mentioned here. I'm trying to stay off the sweetners as an experiment at the moment so have been having raw honey instead. I'd like to find another alternative though because honey is calorific. I was tempted to try agave but have heard bad things about it so havent. I just looked up where to get Stevia in the UK as some of you rated it on here but apparently it is not available to buy in the UK, it wasnt licensed due to issues around toxicology and a lack of evidence to support its safe use... :S

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I really do not understand the need for artificial sweeteners and I cannot stand the taste of any of them. Raw sugar and honey for me, and maple syrup. Now that I have cut down on the sugar, I find a little goes a long way, and the calories are nearly negligible.

    I have five cups of tea per day, cannot stand unsweetened tea. I use artificial sweeteners.

    The calories in honey are not negligible, they are approximately 20 calories per teaspoon, that would equate to 100 per day for me and that is a lot when I am only on 1200 calories per day. I would rather those calories went on food and that I sweeten tea with the sweeteners which are nil calories.

    That is why there is a need for sweeteners, it is the calorie content.
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I avoid artificial sweetners at all costs so for me I like plain ole sugar, but raw sugar and in moderation.
    I also like raw honey and stevia.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I buy splenda for home use, but if I'm out any diet sweetner will do. I've never used stevia in food but I use it when I make lipbalm and it's nice.
  • fkhdad
    fkhdad Posts: 4
    It depends on what I'm using it for. I really like stevia on fruit, but for Iced tea I use a pink and a blue (sweetnlow and aspartame). Somehow the combination of the two is sooooo much sweeter than any others alone. I picked this up from my mom years ago.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    "Now" Stevia non bitter extract. Comes in a box of tiny little packets. Perfect for travel or at home.
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