What's Your Sweetener Choice?



  • Oberwerrnerin
    I tried stevia, because I wanted something natural. Their is so much conflicting information about artificial sweetner our there, that's why I wanted to give stevia a try. Could not get used to the taste! I found sun crystals, a pretty new protuct in the grocery store and it tastes much better. Sun cyrstal is made from stevia and mixed with sugar and has 5 calories. I can life with that!
  • rseit29
    rseit29 Posts: 6 Member
    This is kind of funny how I know all this. My husband and I own an Ice cream shop (part of the reason I joined the site), so I have used almost every single one of the sweeteners for our Sugar-Free, Lactose-Intolerant, Gluten Free, and Diabetic options of Ice cream. This is how it breaks down. I use Agave and Slpenda for my diabetics who come in. The important thing about Agave is you have to pick the right one, it needs to be ceritfied by the Diabetic Assocation. The only one that is certified is the Volcanic Nectar Agave. The Agave is also great for people who have gluten allergies. Other Brands of Agave have fillers like corn syrup in them. I use Truvia for my glocuse intolerant customers. While the Stevia plant has not been certified as safe for diabetics (the reason for this is it is an herb, and herbs are not usually regulated by the FDA) I have some customers who swear by it and are diabetics. Sweet and low leaves a funny after taste along with some of the others you have mentioned. And as far as honey, it really spikes your blood sugar, just as if you were to eat regular sugar. So if I have to use a sweetener, I use either Agave (Volcanic Nectar Only), Splenda, Truvia, or Sugar. I really like to cook with Agave because it is 4 times sweeter than sugar, so instead of using a cup of sugar I only use 1/4 of a cup of agave. I hope this information helps. Good luck everyone!!!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Raw Honey
    Organic Agave

    never heard of Whey-Low.... no calorie?

    It's a natural sweetener and really does tastes just like sugar. 5 calories a tsp.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Honey or sugar. I try to avoid chemicals. Glad to see so many people are for Stevia, which isn't chemical, but herbal
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    my friends make fun of me because if anything has fake sugar in it, i can taste it... and i don't know how people can stand the taste! sweet and low is the worst with splenda a close second.

    REAL sugar or Honey is the way to go for me.
  • katie30
    katie30 Posts: 55
    Splenda if I am making something like kool-aid, iced tea, parfaits, etc.

    Other than that Sun Crystals are wonderful. The combination of Stevia and Natural sugar removes that slightly bitter after taste that is common to just Stevia.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Raw stevia. Took some time getting used to it but I feel better not adding a chemical to my tea or coffee. I bought organic coffee/tea for a reason!! lol
  • jdayl
    jdayl Posts: 25 Member
    Agave syrup or cactus (agave) honey powder
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Sweetex - i'm in the UK :happy:
  • JeniF1979
    JeniF1979 Posts: 18
    I am allergic to artificial sweeteners, all of them. I find that it is better to use real sugar in moderation than it is to use artificial sugar. Artificial sugars can actually INCREASE your cravings for more sweets.
  • sadinas4
    sadinas4 Posts: 5
    splenda is usually what I use. I sure would like to use something more natural. I get so much grief from people about the artificial sweetners and how bad they are.
  • seesylrun
    seesylrun Posts: 22 Member
    Splenda and Agave Nectar :wink:
  • Sebastiansmommy

    Other than that Sun Crystals are wonderful. The combination of Stevia and Natural sugar removes that slightly bitter after taste that is common to just Stevia.
    I love Sun Crystals!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Truvia or Splenda.

    I like splenda b/c I get it for free everytime I walk by Starbucks :)
  • twonabunny
    Agave Nectar:love:
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    Hot tea or iced tea, I use Sun Crystals (stevia/cane sugar mix).

    Baking, I use the Splenda Mixes (white or brown sugar/splenda mix).

    Smoothies and cooking, typically honey.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    if you think artificial sweeteners aren't bad for you - please read this...


    i prefer stevia (from whole foods or trader joes --- 100% pure & natural) and agave/honey... nothing artificial for me...
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    This is kind of funny how I know all this. My husband and I own an Ice cream shop (part of the reason I joined the site), so I have used almost every single one of the sweeteners for our Sugar-Free, Lactose-Intolerant, Gluten Free, and Diabetic options of Ice cream. This is how it breaks down. I use Agave and Slpenda for my diabetics who come in. The important thing about Agave is you have to pick the right one, it needs to be ceritfied by the Diabetic Assocation. The only one that is certified is the Volcanic Nectar Agave. The Agave is also great for people who have gluten allergies. Other Brands of Agave have fillers like corn syrup in them. I use Truvia for my glocuse intolerant customers. While the Stevia plant has not been certified as safe for diabetics (the reason for this is it is an herb, and herbs are not usually regulated by the FDA) I have some customers who swear by it and are diabetics. Sweet and low leaves a funny after taste along with some of the others you have mentioned. And as far as honey, it really spikes your blood sugar, just as if you were to eat regular sugar. So if I have to use a sweetener, I use either Agave (Volcanic Nectar Only), Splenda, Truvia, or Sugar. I really like to cook with Agave because it is 4 times sweeter than sugar, so instead of using a cup of sugar I only use 1/4 of a cup of agave. I hope this information helps. Good luck everyone!!!
    Thank you!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    splenda...its free by the handful from dunkin donuts

    I just had to laugh at this one. Most of us (well me anyways) can not set foot in a doughnut shop:cry: and here you are going and getting free splenda to boot!! oh and I find it funny that a DOUGHNUT shop offers sugar substitute!!


    edited cuz I forgot to add my choice:

    I choose splenda or Splenda sugar blend
  • AlyssaStarr
    Splenda :-)