CaseyAllyssa Member


  • I'm an Art Education major (concentration in ceramics), Art History minor =]
  • I don't think they're worth it, I've seen people get great results without them. Besides, I've heard that they only "help" with work outs because they overload you with caffeine or other similar energy boosters. For a lot of brands, one pill has as much caffeine as multiple cups of coffee. If that's the case, they can…
  • My thigh/butt area is the biggest part of my body. When I was at my lowest weight, they were small, but still proportionately larger than the rest of me. That's just my body shape I guess. It took one to two hours of running every day for me to see a loss in my legs. Now that I workout at a more maintainable level, I'm…
  • I work at a pharmacy, and the only day we're allowed to close is Christmas day. I'm working Thanksgiving, and I can't say I mind it. We have shortened shifts, so no one person works all day, and to be honest, it's just really hard to say no to time and a half. It'll give my next check a nice little boost, just in time for…
  • I've never heard of the 5:2 diet before. What is it?
  • I do a lot of videos too, just because they're easy to squeeze in around my work and class schedules. I did take yoga and kick boxing classes for a while though, and now I do both activities at home all the time. They're both really great.
  • I'm in. I always want to do these challenges but end up falling short... Not this time =] My goals: 1) Get my 5k time to below 30 minutes. 2) Build enough lean muscle to lower my body fat percentage by at least 2%. 3) Eliminate one of my usual, unhealthy food choices each day, and replace it with a healthier option.
  • I ran my first 5k yesterday, and I know what you mean when you say you're hooked. I'm already looking for my next one. Running with all those people and crossing the finish line... such a good feeling!
  • I'm at 25" right now, but my goal is to get down to 24". I figure that one inch is just extra, unnecessary stuff that I can afford to lose, and or, tighten up.
  • I'm 5'6" ish, 127 lbs, and in jeans I'm anywhere from a size 5 to a size 7. In tops I can wear either a small or medium. Nine times out of ten though, I'll go for a medium. I've come to find that just because I can physically fit into a small, doesn't mean it's the size that looks best on me.
  • I recently started running outside more and i just signed up for my first 5k. I hope to do it in 30 minutes or less, so fingers crossed =].
  • 33/25/33. I'm a rectangle... by one inch.
  • Thanks! I'm checking the site out now. Appreciate it =]
  • I try to do interval training most of the time, and I time my miles about once a week to see how I'm doing. I've definitely noticed that I'm slower and it's harder to run for the same amount of time when I run outside. I used to do all my running outside, and then someone let me have a treadmill for free, and it's…
  • I think that's a great idea, and I think it'd be awesome if we could set goals together. Not many people I know run, so it'll be nice to have someone to compare with =]
  • I have a question. I'm more of a jogger than a runner I think, but I'm trying to get faster. Lately, I've been running on the treadmill. When I started, I was running a mile at 5mph, and it took about 12 minutes. Now i'm up to running at 6mph, at about 10 minutes a mile. I want to continue to get faster and more consistent…
  • I think that's really interesting to think about, and probably very accurate.
  • !'m definitely at that point. I'm halfway through my semester, and it's getting harder and harder to find time to work out. I'm hoping to drop between 5 and 8 more pounds, but my scale just doesn't want to move. Any helpful tips?
  • I'm about 5'6 and according to my scale, my weight ranges anywhere between 126-129 pounds on any given day. My goal is to get down to 120.