AleenaRose83 Member


  • Minimum 1200 calories a day. If you work out THAT much, 1200 calories a day should be a minimum. Yes you will go into starvation mode eating only 500 a day (!!!), not only that, when you start to feel hungry and low on energy, nothing good is coming from it. AND you are at risk for gaining the weight back faster than you…
  • I have been consistent with my lifestyle of regular exercise and healthy eating for almost 2 years now. I recently took up running a few months ago (I stopped yearsss ago after experiencing some knee pains) and I have slowly conditioned my knees to be able to run longer with minimal pain. HOWEVER, the next problem I've had…
  • I have been doing low carb too! I got stuck at a plateau and needed a change....but I definitely make sure I eat carbs at lunch for days that I work out (not anything crazy...maybe a wheat tortilla wrap stuffed with tuna, or some kind of meat with vegetables) And I avoid carbs for dinner. I'm not gonna lie - I haven't been…
  • Wow I didn't think about how heavy the weights would I guess I'll try it out on Thursday and see how it goes before I commit to going on Friday as well. The rest of the days are committed to cardio (zumba, cycling, kickboxing,elliptical). I just think I would really benefit from a strength training class than doing…
  • It's the same class, and I have a feeling its like a total body workout with the free weights. I know ideally it's best to work out upper and lower every other day