Looking for Low Carb Friends!

Hello everyone! I am not new to MFP but I am trying to eat LC. I could really use some low carb friends for motivation and diary ideas and help! Also advice! Thank you! :)


  • AleenaRose83
    AleenaRose83 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been doing low carb too! I got stuck at a plateau and needed a change....but I definitely make sure I eat carbs at lunch for days that I work out (not anything crazy...maybe a wheat tortilla wrap stuffed with tuna, or some kind of meat with vegetables) And I avoid carbs for dinner. I'm not gonna lie - I haven't been as faithful as I should be to this new change. I fell off for about a week and a half - and started back up today!

    Good luck! =)
  • Im also a low carber and relatively new here. :)))