

  • I got lucky with my short labor, but my body made up for it with horrific back labor & an epidural that was given too late....I felt EVERYTHING!! Thank God I only had to push like 5 times!
  • My due date was also 10/27 but my lil girl decided not to wait & came on 10/10/12 at 10:12am after less than 6 hours of labor start to finish!
  • I am a self proclaimed Dr Pepper addict, its like crack to me = ) But as I write this I am 2 1/2 weeks Dr Pepper FREE!! I really thought it was gunna be alot harder to give up than it actually was. Granted the first few days were kinda rough, but now I dont really seem to notice it. I will admit there are temptations-…
  • Today its 4 slices of Deli Turkey, 10 baby carrots, 3 stalks of celery with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, Apple Slices & a few red grapes! All of that for under 200 calories & it keeps me pretty full till my afternoon snack!