

  • Well in a nutshell you need water. Your body is made up of over half water and your cells contain water also. Try to shoot for at least 8 cups (not 14oz but 8oz ones). Water also acts as a filler for your stomach. If you feel hungry drink a glass of water, if still hunger 20 minutes later then eat something. Try to stay…
  • Ok Pixiestick I'm going to try to take a stab at this. Now I don't claim to be a PT or a doctor persay, but I do have alot of insight into these types of things since I am a health care provider for US Marines. Every once and awhile I have Marines complain about the same type of symptoms. Upset stomach, nausea, and others…
  • Need to start pounding the water especially when you are exercising. With summer coming up quickly you can dehydrate yourself and thus lead to some serious medical issues, ie heat cramps, exhustion, and stroke. So I would say buy the packs and start drinking!!! :drinker:
  • Well for a 700 cal bike ride that could be normal of course for how hard you exert yourself. That is good but how many times a week are you doing this? Sounds like you have a good plan set out by what your wife said. I generally have a protein shake in the morning or immediately after the workout. Then work your meals…
  • You can always add low cal packets to the water to help give some flavor. I like to add crystal light and drink half a bottle then refill so I get more water down while using less packets.