Drinking water

CountryGirl00 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Since I have such a hard time drinking water, i was wondering if you think its about the same if I add a package of wylers light singles to go. Its a low calorie soft drink mix. you can get them in a ton of flavors, you just add the package to your bottle of water. (I think one pack is like 5 cal)


  • CountryGirl00
    CountryGirl00 Posts: 9 Member
    Since I have such a hard time drinking water, i was wondering if you think its about the same if I add a package of wylers light singles to go. Its a low calorie soft drink mix. you can get them in a ton of flavors, you just add the package to your bottle of water. (I think one pack is like 5 cal)
  • You can always add low cal packets to the water to help give some flavor. I like to add crystal light and drink half a bottle then refill so I get more water down while using less packets.
  • CountryGirl00
    CountryGirl00 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah the crystal light is about the same idea as these.

    Im just looking for something to do so that I start drinking more water.. I drink 0-1glass a day, but to be honest. usually 0
  • Need to start pounding the water especially when you are exercising. With summer coming up quickly you can dehydrate yourself and thus lead to some serious medical issues, ie heat cramps, exhustion, and stroke.

    So I would say buy the packs and start drinking!!! :drinker:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Someone suggested to me the other day that they buy Key Limes and put them in water for flavor. Either limes or lemons help me with drinking water on days. It can be hard when you are too dehydrated. It also gives a boost of vitamin C which helps your body burn the calories from food instead of storing them as fat.

    Happy Water Drinking.
    DMORTIFF Posts: 22 Member
    replace what ever your drinking at meals with 3 cups of water the crystal's cool aids all that stuff turns water into empty calories
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Just because you add a packet of powder to a glass of water doesn't mean that it stops being water. It's just water with a packet of powder added to it. Same with tea and coffee, except it isn't powder, its oils and other extracts.

    Its the contents of the powder and oils/extracts you need to watch out for though. A light flavor packet shouldn't hurt. I personally like K20 protein powder mixes because I don't eat meat and need to work to keep my protein levels high. Plus it has fiber!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    As far as it being "fluid intake" - yes, it counts and it's fine. However, you should be aware that many of the chemical sweeteners used in the drink flavors can actually cause your brain to CRAVE sweet things.

    I'm not an expert, but I am a firm believer that the more water you drink - the more you want and the easier it gets. For cleaning out your system - there's nothing like water. I DO occasionally have a calorie free powder in my water but I've found that these tips are pretty helpful to drink more water:

    Drink out of a bottle - it makes it easier to drink somehow. (Use a reusable bottle if you can)
    Brush your teeth before drinking or chew gum - it makes the water taste minty and even more refreshing.
    A slice of lime or lemon in your water
    Crushed Mint in your water (especially good with nice, cold water)
    Drink out of a straw - count to 10 each time you're taking a sip
    NEVER be without water... I carry mine everywhere
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    As far as it being "fluid intake" - yes, it counts and it's fine. However, you should be aware that many of the chemical sweeteners used in the drink flavors can actually cause your brain to CRAVE sweet things.

    I'm not an expert, but I am a firm believer that the more water you drink - the more you want and the easier it gets. For cleaning out your system - there's nothing like water. I DO occasionally have a calorie free powder in my water but I've found that these tips are pretty helpful to drink more water:

    Drink out of a bottle - it makes it easier to drink somehow. (Use a reusable bottle if you can)
    Brush your teeth before drinking or chew gum - it makes the water taste minty and even more refreshing.
    A slice of lime or lemon in your water
    Crushed Mint in your water (especially good with nice, cold water)
    Drink out of a straw - count to 10 each time you're taking a sip
    NEVER be without water... I carry mine everywhere

    If you have a garden, snipping off 2-3 leaves of mint, crushing them in your palm, and then putting them in the water helps if you want flavoring that's calorie free as well.

    Also, according to a study I just saw today, apparently we get more calories from liquids than foods!
  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    I never liked the taste of water as a kid growing up, but I knew I had to start drinking water to be healthy.
    I tried adding the flavoring packets, but I find them to be watery, and don't like them. Everyone always says they like their water ice cold, but I tend to cough on cold water. So, I tried room temp. water and found it better, but still had a hard time drinking it. Then, I heard that to start a new habit, it takes about 3 weeks. So, I forced myself to drink 8 c. of water a day for 3- 4 weeks, and never felt like stopping. It has now been about 2 years and I almost always drink all my water.

    Try different things and give it time, and you'll have a new GOOD habit.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    try adding a splash of fruit juice to it instead- or actually berries or lemon slices. Those packets seem great in terms of calories but they're loaded with chemicals and yuckiness.
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