

  • I wouldn't do it in a pool anymore. I guess I was more wondering if people thought it was good or bad to do when trying to get back into training or to keep up with where you are.
  • I have an 8 week old and have the same problem with finding time. I have found he enjoys going for walks while in the Moby Wrap. Obviously you can't put your 3 year old in a Moby without hurting your back probably. Even if you can only get 30 minute workouts in at a time that's still better than not doing anything. I agree…
  • Those videos are designed to get your HR up and act as a combination of cardio and strength training. General weights probably don't go under the cardio section, but if you are doing circuit training or something like that where you are picking up your HR for an extended period of time could go under cardio. At least I…
  • I have those videos as well and wasn't quite sure how to log it either. Those videos kick my butt. Do you use a heart rate monitor to track the amount of calories you burned doing the video? I've thought about making it a new option under my cardio and just naming the options the titles of the videos and logging it that…
  • Hi! I'm Sarah. I am 23 and from southern Louisiana. I developed bulimia about 5 years ago. I wasn't fully bulimic because I wouldn't always purge after I binged. It wasn't in a hope to lose weight although there were a lot of guilty feelings about the weight I had gained at the start of college. I would eat and eat and eat…
  • I failed to mentioned swimming, which I do need to do a little work on. I was a competitve swimmer for 7.5 years so I am not as worried about the swim part as I am about the run and bike. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. I was rather active before having him, but now I feel like I am starting from ground zero. I will…