

  • Honey. I just ran a marathon, and the two things I ate were cashews (handful at mile 13) and honey packets (mile 7 and mile 16). I ate a Fage yogurt (2% with honey) an hour before race start, too, which factored into no real hunger until mile 7 (but the honey satisfied it then and at 16).
  • Raisins and cashews...protein, fiber and carbs. Hated both until I needed fuel for running; they fill me up and make me feel great!
  • 5 miles :) From Tricia (training for a a marathon, on New Yrs Day! arggghhhhhhhhhh!)
  • I started eating them after reading Born to Run - the Tarahumara indians use chia seeds to make pinole, and their endurance (and their ability to run and run and run) is attributed to the seed (and their local corn beer, but I'll stick to my Heinekin). I have noticed that I feel better, run farther (not necessarily faster)…
  • Something that worked for me (it's been over one year) was switching to menthol (which I hated) and I slowly just stopped wanting to smoke whatsoever, if menthol was my only option. Took one week. Haven't looked back (had been a smoker for 20 yrs). Good luck. It's doable...I had tried patches, acupuncture, gum,…