Smoking and exercise...UGH!



  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    woah woah woah,,,lets settle down now. :)
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Not even going to bother reading all the responses.

    I smoke a pack a day. It in absolutely no way hinders my endurance or strength. No plans on quitting anytime soon. Yes, it's bad for me. A lot of things are. Don't care.

    Now excuse me while I go puff a smoke.

    Oh and all this nonsense about "Omg it's so hard to quit".... If you want it badly enough, you'll do it. That applies to anything in life. Stop making excuses. I don't want to quit, therefore, I'm not.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    woah woah woah,,,lets settle down now. :)

    No worries, she'll calm down. She's probably searching her gym bag right now for her Newports and Bic.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    woah woah woah,,,lets settle down now. :)

    No worries, she'll calm down. She's probably searching her gym bag right now for her Newports and Bic.

    ok that was funny but lets be nice. I dont recommended starting **** w/ leakramirez girl...she looks like she can kick some *kitten* and has a feisty "i dont give a crap" attitude on top of it.
  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.

  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    how do you add pics in here cuz i cant figure out how to do it!
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    Sadly smoking does not affect my workouts. I smoke one before the gym and one almost right after. I've become better at running. I wish it would affect my workouts and then it would maybe give me more incentive to quit. Right now I simply do not want to quit badly enough.

    You wont realize how much it effects you till you quit. You may not be pushing yourself hard enough if at all...

    That is a good point, but right now I am pushing as hard as it will allow. I certainly did not come in here to have someone tell me I may not be pushing hard enough.

    amen. im still taking my workouts to a new level on a weekly basis. my smoking hasnt hindered it at all. i push myself hard, and am dripping with sweat at the end of my 800 cal gym sessions. how is going to the gym 2 hours each day and working straight through not pushing myself, especially since ive only been working out for only a month??

    Arent we being a little sensitive. Didnt mean to bruise anyones fragile "im a workout god even though i smoke" ego. Anywho, the point was that your body has no idea how far it can acutally go because your smoking self can do about 30% of what your non smoking self can do.

    FROM EXPERIENCE! the same workout that made me sweat before only now feels like a little warm up. that was my point.

    sensitive much?

    I certainly didnt come here to make you cry :sad:

    I may have been a little overly sensitive, no crying here though. I stated that I do understand what you are saying, but with that said I am not at a point of wanting to quit. I most certainly shouldn't quit right now, while being overly emotional and sensitive. :wink:

    How exactly did you go about quitting? I know most men quit cold turkey.
    No problem :) I really didnt mean to demotivate you.

    I quit using nicotine patches and weed. I thought i said that already?
    The nicotine patches took the edge off, the weed helped my mind not dwell on cigarettes.

    After i was off the patch compelely for 3 weeks, i reduced the weed. I still smoke week when i work out, but thats pretty much it. I'm really not a "pot head" i'm way to smart and functional to be considered a "stoner" perse.

    Oh you didn't, it's all good. :)

    I'm terrible about not reading others posts, so I must of went right over it. I've tried the nicotine patch before, but it burned/itched my arm. Maybe if I want to quit badly enough, then it could possible help me. I can see exactly how weed would help, I use to be a pot head. Funny it was easy to stop smoking weed, but not the cigarettes.

    You smoke weed and then go work out? lol :laugh:
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.

    So basically because we are smokers, we shouldn't want to be fit and in shape?
  • run_on
    run_on Posts: 5
    Something that worked for me (it's been over one year) was switching to menthol (which I hated) and I slowly just stopped wanting to smoke whatsoever, if menthol was my only option. Took one week. Haven't looked back (had been a smoker for 20 yrs).

    Good luck. It's doable...I had tried patches, acupuncture, gum, prescriptions, etc. Nothing worked until I bought that back of menthols (I was marlboro lights girl).
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    Sadly smoking does not affect my workouts. I smoke one before the gym and one almost right after. I've become better at running. I wish it would affect my workouts and then it would maybe give me more incentive to quit. Right now I simply do not want to quit badly enough.

    You wont realize how much it effects you till you quit. You may not be pushing yourself hard enough if at all...

    That is a good point, but right now I am pushing as hard as it will allow. I certainly did not come in here to have someone tell me I may not be pushing hard enough.

    amen. im still taking my workouts to a new level on a weekly basis. my smoking hasnt hindered it at all. i push myself hard, and am dripping with sweat at the end of my 800 cal gym sessions. how is going to the gym 2 hours each day and working straight through not pushing myself, especially since ive only been working out for only a month??

    Arent we being a little sensitive. Didnt mean to bruise anyones fragile "im a workout god even though i smoke" ego. Anywho, the point was that your body has no idea how far it can acutally go because your smoking self can do about 30% of what your non smoking self can do.

    FROM EXPERIENCE! the same workout that made me sweat before only now feels like a little warm up. that was my point.

    sensitive much?

    I certainly didnt come here to make you cry :sad:

    I may have been a little overly sensitive, no crying here though. I stated that I do understand what you are saying, but with that said I am not at a point of wanting to quit. I most certainly shouldn't quit right now, while being overly emotional and sensitive. :wink:

    How exactly did you go about quitting? I know most men quit cold turkey.
    No problem :) I really didnt mean to demotivate you.

    I quit using nicotine patches and weed. I thought i said that already?
    The nicotine patches took the edge off, the weed helped my mind not dwell on cigarettes.

    After i was off the patch compelely for 3 weeks, i reduced the weed. I still smoke week when i work out, but thats pretty much it. I'm really not a "pot head" i'm way to smart and functional to be considered a "stoner" perse.

    Oh you didn't, it's all good. :)

    I'm terrible about not reading others posts, so I must of went right over it. I've tried the nicotine patch before, but it burned/itched my arm. Maybe if I want to quit badly enough, then it could possible help me. I can see exactly how weed would help, I use to be a pot head. Funny it was easy to stop smoking weed, but not the cigarettes.

    You smoke weed and then go work out? lol :laugh:

    yea again, it helps my mind not focus on how bad this 3 mile run sucks, or whatever. I smoke, turn on some nice metal or house music and get to work. I go longer and my actual movements are more centered becuase i "enjoy the movement" itself more.

    I had the same problem w/ the patches. i put them on my back instead. they itch, but it goes away. the skin on your back is thicker and tougher.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    It is hard. I need to lose another 100 pounds, and just that thought makes me have a cigarette. Lolz. I do, eventually, want to quit smoking as well. I think, for right now, I'm just going to tackle one thing at a time. For now, it's weight loss. Once that's all done, I'll tackle smoking. And, once I pack on 20 pounds from quitting smoking, I'll tackle getting rid of those 20 pounds again. Hahaha. It's a vicious cycle. But, we can do it. Being overweight AND smoking is cutting YEARS out of our lives. :/
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.
    First, there's far too many errors in the post to take it seriously.

    Second, I've smoked for 8 years. I'm in top notch health. Smoking has had absolutely zero impact on my health. Being fat did. But you keep on stereotyping and assuming that someone who smokes must be the epitome of poor health, and therefore shouldn't bother losing weight. After all, stereotypes are fun.

    Your'e such a peach.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.

    So basically because we are smokers, we shouldn't want to be fit and in shape?

    If it's straight about vanity then go for it. I don't see the point if your logic behind losing weight is to be healthier. You may weight less but you still smoke and are still unhealthy because of it. It's just another way to destroy your body.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm one of those people who just doesn't get why people say it's so hard. How hard is it to stop sticking something into your face and lighting it? (smoked off and on for more than 20 years; easy to start; easy to stop) I haven't smoked in about 10 years now. It made me feel yucky.

  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.

    So basically because we are smokers, we shouldn't want to be fit and in shape?

    exactly. I work out because I got flippen fat and my clothes didnt fit anymore. a lot of people have a lot of reasons for working out. and how am I not healthier? I may still light up, but im in better shape then I was a year ago!
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.
    First, there's far too many errors in the post to take it seriously.

    Second, I've smoked for 8 years. I'm in top notch health. Smoking has had absolutely zero impact on my health. Being fat did. But you keep on stereotyping and assuming that someone who smokes must be the epitome of poor health, and therefore shouldn't bother losing weight. After all, stereotypes are fun.

    Your'e such a peach.

    If you honestly think that smoking has had zero impact on your health, please sell me some of whatever your smoking cuz i would love to be that blissfully ignorant. then i can go back to eating whatever i wanted.

    My a** is fuzzy like a peach too. would you like to feel it against your face? :)
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    i smoked for many years. my smoking was a juggling act. sometimes i would smoke none, other times i would smoke 2 packs a day. i rarely ever smoked at home unless i was alone and bored. i use to smoke 3 each way to work. but then i bought a new car and stopped smoking on my drives. but i would smoke 2 each break i had at work, 2 at lunch and try and smoke one after work.

    if i was drinking i smoked way more. when i had a job that allowed me to smoke while working i smoked way more. the company i work for now doesn't allow smoking like that. so its limited to breaks. which like i said cut me down to 6 or so a day at work. but then something big happened in my life. i got into a 4 wheeler accident and had trouble walking. i almost died and rightfully should have. but it hurt so much to move and walk that i wasn't going to walk outside for a smoke. after a week my walking was better but i figured it had already been a week i would see how this plays out.

    that was july 1st of this year. next thursday will be 4 full months without a puff. but i must say i took a break from this place while i had my accident and was quitting. i still ate "healthy" i just didn't limit myself like i do now. i also hung around people who smoked. i grew friendships with people who smoked. today i dont see those people as much as i did then. i cant tell you the last time i walked out for break to talk to the guys while they smoked. i cut the temptation right out of it.

    now today i went to lunch with two coworkers who do smoke. i was in the middle of the truck while they smoked to lunch and back. i got to work and my shirt smells like smoke. it makes me sick to think this is how i smelled ALL THE TIME. i find myself now not being able to stand the smell of it anymore. but i was ready to make that commitment. you really have to want it.
  • Leah2975
    Leah2975 Posts: 65 Member
    Being a blonde has nothing to do with it. I'm naturally blonde myself and am not an idiot.

    wow it was a joke (since im not even naturally blond!) but that was harsh and rude and uncalled for.

    Wow you really are overly sensitive. Maybe you should light up a smoke.

    you openly call me an idiot and then say im sensitive? maybe you should stick one of my smokes up your *kitten* and light it.

    Sure will. Can I borrow one of yours and a lighter. I don't carry them around with me. I enjoy breathing.

    I breathe just fine. I run 2 miles on a daily basis.


    So not even fighting you. Your comments have no affect on me. Your in a form and looks as thought people are asking advice and opinions. I speak my mind and have no need to sugar coat things. I just don't see why your losing weight in the first place if you smoke. I thought weight loss was about being healthier. It's a major contradiction to continue smoking.

    So basically because we are smokers, we shouldn't want to be fit and in shape?

    If it's straight about vanity then go for it. I don't see the point if your logic behind losing weight is to be healthier. You may weight less but you still smoke and are still unhealthy because of it. It's just another way to destroy your body.

    your profile itself states "I'm obsessed with my physical appearance." under the Why I want to get in shape section. Hypocrite.

    and do i know that smoking is unhealthy and its shortening my life? duh. yes I do. I dont have to be told.