Smoking and exercise...UGH!

I am a litle under a pack a day smoker. I HATE it, my fiance hates it (he just up and quit a year ago), and i know its holding me back on my exersise.

I have a horrible addiction problem, always have. It runs in the family. I've tried to quit, but have failed each time. It just scares me because i noticed every time i cut back i found myself snacking all the time trying to hold back the cravings. I just dont think i can handle trying to eat right and quit somking at the same time.

Has anyone eles been through this?????


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It's not going to b easy, but if u want to quit you can... You just have to REALLY want to!
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    When I quit smoking almost 3yrs ago it took 6mo before I realized just how much extra snacking I was doing. I went from 120lbs to 163(highest weight) in about a year. Once you quit just expect a little weight gain until you can learn to control your urges to compensate your addiction with food. One thing that helped a little was chewing gum or sucking on mints. I've also heard of people using straws or holding pens in their hands and chewing on the ends to help. There are also healthier alternatives like the electronic cigarette. I don't really like the idea of nicotine inhaler thinga-ma-bob but if it works and helps you quit real cigarettes its worth a try.
  • InHisTime48
    InHisTime48 Posts: 15 Member
    Every time you want to grab for a cigarette, go for a walk! LOL - 2 birds with one stone :happy:

    This is not easy - my hubby is going thru the same thing. You really need to surround yourself with MUCH support!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Addictions are mostly mental. There is a small amount of physical, but it's bullsh*t. The mind is so powerful that the physical part doesn't matter. Some people are more predispositioned for addiction than others.

    The only way is to just stop. You have to change habits. Smoking is mostly a ritual. You form all these little rituals. You have to break all of them. Just do other things. It's only hard for the first few weeks. After that it's easy.

    A couple things to try if you don't feel like you can do it on your own:
    I saw a guy quit completely after some hypnosis therapy. It works.

    Try AA. The concepts you learn work for smoking too.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Think about this; if you keep smoking the weight loss really won't matter will it? Smoking almost a pack a day is having far more impact on your health at the moment than some snacking while quitting will. Weight loss is hard but possible, growing new lungs not so much.

    I smoked for 20 years, a pack a day minimum. I've been struggling with quitting for more than a year now. The addiction is far worse for some of us than it is for others. I deal with severe depression, panic and anxiety, the nicotine is a form of self medication. I relapse every so often and then have to start all over again. But I don't smoke a pack a day anymore.

    If you stop smoking you'll be able to work out longer and harder so you'll burn those snacks right off.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I started Chantix on July 24th. I stopped smoking July 28th. I joined MFP in early August. Im also battling thyroid disease and a pinched nerve. I'm now down 8 pounds, I haven't smoked in 64 days and my thyroid is finally behaving like it should. I have more energy and commitment to stick with eating well and not smoking. You can do it! One day at a time. One hour at a time. It's all about choice and the choices you choose to make.

    In July I was lucky to walk around the block, Now I can walk 3 miles without a problem. I'm breathing better, I'm feeling better and I have energy to use. :happy: :tongue:
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    It will be a year for me next month. Before I quit it took me at least 20 times. I used the patch for 4-6 weeks. and then quit using the patch. I DID gain 10 pounds. I have been maintaining that 10 pound for the whole year :/ You have to be ready and really want it. I was smoking so much (stressed) and sometimes smoked 2 packs a day and it was making me sick. I thought about really why I wanted to quit. One of the things is that creepy smoker lady's voice and that consistent cough that people get. I was like I do not want to be that lady lol! The cost of cigarettes and also the effects of cigarettes are just too much of a risk. I did workout before I quit smoking and it never held me back. Since I have quit my workouts have been harder but I get through them. It is most likely because of the extra 10 pounds. Nicotine was my drug of choice. Its really hard the first 90 days... (easier each day). I did by an e-cig.. and if I did have the need to smoke I would smoke that. I still use it occasionally. I just tried not to rely on it. If you really want it you will do it. If you gain weight you are better off then smoking. Some people do not even gain weight! Good luck!
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    After having smoked for over 33 years (last few years have been a pack and a half daily) I have been 30 days nicotine free today. I have tried quitting on many occasions but without success. Recently I started using the electronic cig and it's working for me!! I still had the urge for real cigs during the first two weeks using it but now it's easier. (Not to mention the $$$$ I'm saving) I would totally recommend it if nothing else seems to be working...
  • g00dbyelbs
    is it bad that i LOVE smoking a cigarette right after a hard workout?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yes, and it was horrible for a few weeks. I suggest, sugar free candy if you need to "eat" something. I also suggest running or fast biking. Just do what you can, but that really helped me. Oh and log, and drink water!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think it's arguable, but I would say that not smoking is more important than eating right. So start there.

    I have two coworkers that quit cold turkey, and that's how my mom did it as well. Do log food during the quitting process though because you can at least not gain!

    Best of luck!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you have to chose between quitting smoking and losing weight smoking cessation should be your priority.

    Nicotine is incredibly addictive, talk to your doctor or local lung association for tips and help if needed.Don't be surprised if your appetite improves - when I quit 20 odd years ago I found food tasted so much better (at least that's my excuse! :wink: )

    Good luck.
  • HMToomey
    This is going to sound weird but:

    I got lucky and got a type III concussion and it resulted in personality changes. One of them was that I just didn't want to smoke anymore, I can be in the car with someone who is smoking and not a single craving. I had some nasty personality changes too like irritability but I am more focused on goals and I don't crave nicotine at all so those were good changes that have helped with weight loss!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I have a good friend that smoked for 15 years and quit by chewing on toothbrushes. She was determined not to lose weight, and it really worked for her. From what I've heard, you just have to keep trying different things until you find what works for you personally. Good luck!
  • lioness0806
    lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
    Addictions are mostly mental. There is a small amount of physical, but it's bullsh*t. The mind is so powerful that the physical part doesn't matter. Some people are more predispositioned for addiction than others.

    The only way is to just stop. You have to change habits. Smoking is mostly a ritual. You form all these little rituals. You have to break all of them. Just do other things. It's only hard for the first few weeks. After that it's easy.

    A couple things to try if you don't feel like you can do it on your own:
    I saw a guy quit completely after some hypnosis therapy. It works.

    Try AA. The concepts you learn work for smoking too.

    First of all, if it were that easy to up and quit there wouldn't be so many aids out there. I've been a nonsmoker for almost three years and I know how hard it is for some people. As far as AA goes, in some cities there's a NA (nicotine anonymous) too.

    Kaylee, good for you on quitting smoking :happy: If you need support to help you quit smoking while you are aso dieting, don't hesitate to friend" me.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    You are me 7 months ago. I was a 1 to 3 pack a day smoker for 22 years and hated it...well, I loved it, but, whatever..

    I just decided to up and quit too only I used the patch....totally helped...I even lost weight because I was still getting the nicotine!! And when I felt like smoking, well, drop and give me 20!!! The cravings pass quicker!! :)
  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Been smoking for 10 years, and every time I say I'm going to quit, I end up eating more. So I decided once I am a little deeper into my exercise and see more changes I will slowly try to cut them out. It's hard trying to give up everything at once, at least for me it drives me a little crazy trying get rid of all my vices at once.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    i went through the same thing for years. i quit six months ago next week and i'm SO glad i did. my lung function has improved SOOO much and it takes a LOT to make me winded now. it was so worth it to quit. but nobody could make me quit, i made the decision on my own when i knew i was ready. the cravings still come and go but it gets easier every day.
  • HeatherSLosinIt
    HeatherSLosinIt Posts: 79 Member
    I have been smoking since I was 12... 20 years. I used to sing. I can't anymore. It sounds like crap. I really truly want to quit smoking, my SO is doing so good cutting back to almost nothing, but the less he smokes, the more I seem to. I know if I can quit, we'll both go completely smoke-free for good. I panic every time I decide today is the day though. Not because I'm afraid I'll gain weight... I can't really explain it. I just panic.

    If you can do it, DO IT. Don't worry about snacking etc. that can be worked off in no time. Good luck.
  • paigeandbones
    ahaha me too, i was on here looking for smoker lung friendly work outs, but apparently peops gotsta try to quit or whatever