

  • Ok thanks i'll give that a go later and if I get stuck i'll ask again
  • So sorry to sound dim lol but does that mean I have to register my dog walk etc or rely on the adjustment?
  • I'm on Metformin but it wasn't for losing weight just what the doctor thought would be good for me to be on. I have lost 2 stone in 3 years (probably sounds rubbish) but I seem to have hit a wall at the moment so I'm glad there are people on here that understand the problems. PS pleased to know that having kids isn't an…
  • I was diagnosed at 18 when I didn't get certain things every month and they stuck me on Metformin 3 times a day which is ironically also a drug for diabetes so if anyone wants to buddy me up thats great!
    in PCOS Comment by alixfowler June 2012
  • Thanks for the help, I considered phoning them and might try it tomorrow
  • Sorry to bump but I could do with some help Alix
  • I have been taking Metformin for it for nearly 10 years I think and I am not sure if it has affected my weight or not. I am on a couple of other meds for other things and whenever I bring it up my doctor used to almost laugh for being so daft for thinking meds could stop you losing weight. Anyway OP I am really pleased you…
  • Well I don't go out to the gym so I use My Fitness Coach on the Wii as well as Wii Fit. I have a couple of the Biggest Loser (US version) options but I am a bit scared of Bob and Gillian lol.
  • Feel free to add me! I know it may say I haven't lost anything but I have lost roughly half a stone but had a tiny blip so could probably do with your support as well lol
  • Hi I am a Jockette lol so feel free to add me, I am from North East Fife near St Andrews
  • Ok, I might seem really dim asking this and I know it's been asked many times before but can someone please explain this system to me? My mum and I were doing fine until a few weeks ago and we put on a little bit of weight, why would this be? We were eating healthily doing loads of exercise and keeping our net total below…
  • I am from the East of Scotland and this is my first post on these forums! Was doing ok but now having a blip which will hopefully straighten out this week.