

  • This is why I don't like to go to the gym. I KNOW that working out only helps's just that every time I start going, I either don't lose weight or I even gain weight. I know that it is muscle, but not seeing the scale move in the right direction really makes me lose my motivation and that's not good. I go to the…
  • Last Tuesday :169 Today: 163
  • I think it's extremely rude to ask her to lose weight for your wedding. Yes, it is your day, but that is no excuse to lose your manners and possibly your relationship with someone close to you. I know that if someone did that to me, I wouldn't want to be in their wedding at all! As for the money, it is completely…
  • ela2188 -- we have the exact same wedding day & want to lose around the same amount of weight! Wedding date: October 1, 2011 Pounds to lose: 40-50