gained a pound; 1 lb farther from the goal :(

uuuugh! so hit the gym styaed under at or under goal, but managaed to gain a pound this week which is makes it hard to stay focused. I'm am really gunna try to not the setback deter me for moving forward, but I really wanna scream out say bad words right about now. Hopefully next week's weigh in will be better!


  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    The number on the scale doesn't define you. You went to the gym. Give yourself credit. Did you overeat? Okay. Figure out what triggered it and plan some ways you can keep it from happening next time.

    Don't get down on yourself.
  • adc143
    adc143 Posts: 4
    This is why I don't like to go to the gym. I KNOW that working out only helps's just that every time I start going, I either don't lose weight or I even gain weight. I know that it is muscle, but not seeing the scale move in the right direction really makes me lose my motivation and that's not good. I go to the gym, I just don't like going more than a few times a week. (I know, I need to.)
  • blankcanvas
    I've been at the same weight for the past month! Hovering within a pound up or down...grrr.. But somehow my clothes are getting smaller still. I think it's because I do work out everyday, so must be muscle weight or at least Im toning. Check your measurements you may be surprised! For me, I think pre menopausal issues have a lot to do with this too, feels like my body is in swollen TOM mode all the time! Anyone else going thru the change experiencing this?
  • sgssmile
    sgssmile Posts: 62
    You know you did right, I swear that sometimes that scale just lies!!! Stay strong!:happy:
  • crystalterry
    Sorry I know this isn't very encouraging, but you should know that you are not alone. I have had the same problem. I've been going to the gym for two weeks now and gained two pounds. I just want to cry the whole time I'm walking on the treadmill. It's really depressing. I just feel like I'm stuck. If you figure out what to do, let me know please.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    The truth is that everybody is different. Depending on our specific physiology we react differently to different combinaitons of micro-nutrients. The really great thing about this site is that you KNOW exactly what your eating, not only calories, but everything else you need t o keep track of. This is great because if you stick with this for a few weeks and your trending upwards in weight, you can tweak some things. If you're using the "stock" settings from the site, I'd try shifting the focus away from carbs and towards protein. I use a 35/35/30 percentage for carbs, proteins and fats.
  • WhiskeyBravo
    Thanks y'all, so I had taken "before" pictures when I started and took pics today so see I could actually see a difference and although slight, I was able to see a difference in my dreadful hips and noticeable difference in my face.... The scale can bite my big blk butt, I'm better thies week than I was last week. I'm going to re-evaluate my nutrient settings and continue to fight the battle so I can end this war. I'm gunna incorporate some HIIT work this week too...Thanks again for helping me feel better with your encouraging words and by letting me know, I'm not alone...a million thanks!