Get Fit Brides

vdubteach23 Posts: 32
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I thought it would be fun to have a place for all the soon to be brides on here to help motivate each other! I know the more help I have the better. Maybe we could weigh in each week on Sunday and post whether we've lost or gained. Hope I see others joining!!

Goal by June 18, 2011 (Wedding Date)
Lose 30 lbs.


  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Count me in! I usually weigh in on Tuesdays though - helps me to battle anything gained from the weekend.

    Goal by October 15, 2011 (Wedding Date)
    Lose 70 lbs.
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Sign me up!! I have tried to join several bride groups, but none of them have got off the ground so far, so let's get this one going.
  • Sounds great girls. Tuesdays are perfect for me too! I like doing it after the weekend.
  • Musalicea
    Musalicea Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in ladies....Wedding date is Decembre 18, and goal is 30lbs by then. I am having a hard time keeping the pounds off....and I am starting to get a little discouraged :(
  • maestrachistosa
    maestrachistosa Posts: 202 Member
    I'm in too. Wedding date is April 9, 2011. Realistically, my goal is probably around 10 pounds, which I know doesn't sound like much. But since I have to eat every 2 hours, I'm lucky if I lose 1/2 pound in a week.
  • ela2188
    ela2188 Posts: 1
    Count me in! I need the inspiraion from other brides like myself :]

    Wedding Date: October 1, 2011
    Goal: Lose 50 lbs
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Well, I'm getting married in two and a half weeks so not much time left, but I am still working on losing the last couple of pounds :) My wedding date is August 14, 2010 (yikes!)
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    good luck to you all!

    my first anniversary is coming up this year, so i can't exactly join, but i wanted to assure you that no matter what your weight is you will have a wonderful day and make beautiful brides :)
  • adc143
    adc143 Posts: 4
    ela2188 -- we have the exact same wedding day & want to lose around the same amount of weight!

    Wedding date: October 1, 2011
    Pounds to lose: 40-50
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    All right ladies! Seeing as we started on a Tuesday, I figure we should do the first official weigh-in next week. Is anyone up for a challenge for next week? How does starting with 10 push ups and 20 crunches a day for the next 7 days? I'm game to try it!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm glad to see other brides out there! (Especially since the last to-be-wed group I was in kind of evaporated. :frown:) I have just reached heavy planning mode, so life is getting a little crazy! Fun, but crazy.

    Wedding Date: January 2, 2011
    Wedding Goal: Around another 20 lbs, if possible. If not, I'm happy to maintain my current loss.
  • I'm with you on the exercises everyday. This week I lost 1 more lb. So it would be nice to keep going. Good luck to all an can't wait to see how everyone does next Tuesday!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I'm definitely looking forward to Tuesday's weigh in, although I suspect that some of my weight loss will come from being sick :( Oh well - at least I've been keeping up with the exercises! How's everyone else doing?
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    Count me in ladies....Wedding date is Decembre 18, and goal is 30lbs by then. I am having a hard time keeping the pounds off....and I am starting to get a little discouraged :(

    Mine is December 18 too!!! I want to be down another 40lbs!!! We can do it!! Come on ladies!!! lets lose this weight so our wedding day is everything we can ever dream of! today is a new day! Lets start off encouraged!!!
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    weigh in tomorrow!! I am soo excited! :-)
  • Been walking everyday! Hopefully some weight will come off this week. I have noticed my pants getting a little baggy so I must be doing something right. Won't be able to do much on Thursday and Friday though, having sinus surgery blah!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    All right ladies, it's weigh in day! I hope that everyone has done well :) Here's hoping that next week is as good as this week was. How did everyone do with the challenge? I kept it up for the first 3 days then had to stop as I got sick :( Would someone else like to suggest a challenge for this week?

    Tues, July 27: 178.4
    Tues, Aug 3: 176.6
  • adc143
    adc143 Posts: 4
    Last Tuesday :169
    Today: 163
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    Last Tuesday - 207.8
    Today - 206.2

    great job everyone!! the numbers look GREAT!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Today: 135.3

    I am about the same, but I didn't do very well over the weekend, but have re-dedicated myself today! My goal for next Tuesday is 133.3.

    Also do you think next week there should be a post that says "Get Fit Brides Week 2"
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