gsmitty1 Member


  • Dang glad i have no none allergies, that must be a GOOOOOOD Cookie .... =_)
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • Great ... Portion control is hard getting use to, my big issue was candy and soda's, I had to find alternatives (Fruit and water). If eating out I try for the healthy section (Portions always small - LOL). The Gluten bloat - yuck (no- more said there)
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • Yes fresh is BEST, Years ago i used to do the Healthy Choices meals, til I realized all those preservatives in those frozen foods are BAD. Individual counting will drive you nutts, an over all balance in a meal plans is key.
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • Try this site -
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • Welcome to your journey to a healthier you .... =_)
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • I love to snack on Tri-color Peppers
    in Balance Comment by gsmitty1 May 2012
  • Kool i will look into that ... thnx
  • Yes i have the same feeling and I wonder what I ate to trigger this, gotta look into the wheat allergies .... =_)