

  • I agree silicone earbuds are great especially for me that sweats a lot. It's not itchy compared to foamy earphones. It doesn't fall off easily too when I'm running.
  • Great article! I learned a lot! thanks for sharing
  • Great Job Suzzilady! Wow I wish I could do that too!I have just started on my weightloss journey. Still struggling.Hope It's gonna be worth it.
  • Wow!!!! Congratulations! You just inspired me to do better with my weightloss journey!
  • Yeah! I feel that too. I always thought it was just me. Its a bit itchy and bothers me a lot after I do the treadmill.
  • How about cutting down your caloric intake? If you can't find time to exercise then you should watch what you eat. I am no expert but I think going for foods high in fiber would be good for your digestion and stay away from meat would help. Meat are really hard to burn. Also try to gradually stop putting sugar on your tea.…
  • Welcome Mary! I am also new in this site!
  • Great job on losing 10 lbs! you should give yourself more credit for it. I'm here to support you! Keep up the good work!
  • I did weigh myself everyday before but It only upsets me. I was advice to do the weighing once a week that way it will be an accurate basis to my improvements.
  • Thanks! Ill go ahead and check it out. Really excited to start my weightloss journey with you guys!
  • New balance would be a great brand to start with. They have great running shoes and last long.
  • I've seen this issue about Mega T at WomensHealthMag.com. Without FDA to check these supplements, It is really hard to tell which ones out there really works. I like green tea a lot though. I drink it instead of coffee.