

  • Dangerous advice. Can't burn out sodium and/or cholesterol. Have to burn like 3-5 times more calories to get rid of of excess sugar consequences. In fast food usually sodium/cholesterol is the problem. My default choice wood be (and is) grilled chicken breast sandwich, if they can do one for you. Whole wheat bread (can be…
  • I think if meal planning is done right there would be no cravings. So you would only need willpower to measure your food intake, track your exersize and plan your meals as accurate as possible. You have already got good advice about protein, carbs, fat. Here is another good advice…
  • So, I am actually a former rocket scientist. And I even took a biochemistry course back in the university. However it was in USSR 20 years ago and I switched to geoscience since then. But anyway physics is always about the measurements and their accuracy. As for your intake the measurements are pretty accurate. You just…