Hey rocket scientist, c'mere please :)

So if you're reading this, you MUST be a rocket scientist (lol) .. anyhow .. I need your help. I've been reading all these ways of how to calculate the correct calories (yes, I know. Another one of THOSE people)..

But here's my story.

I was doing weightwatchers from 2.24.11 to 1.3.12 .. I lost 22 lbs. In almost a year, 25 lbs! Seriously, yes I know people lose weight in all different rates, shapes, and forms .. but c'mon ... it's obvious I need some help! (please don't get me wrong, I'm happy I've lost 25 lbs, I could have easily went the opposite direction, but STILL!)

I found MFP in November, so far I've done okay .. but I've hit a wall. I think it's because I was not eating nearly enough on WW, and then went to a 1200/cal diet. I've been reading about people not eating enough and then hitting a wall, blah blah blah ..

I've done some research, and this is what I've found out about myself:

before that..here's some info:

I'm 27, female, 5'6" and currently at 199

according to bmi-calculator.net these are my stats..

bmi = 32.12 .. obese..(great, ya..)
bmr = 1703.95 (1704)
waist to hip ratio = .75 - low risk
body fat % = 27.09 - acceptable* (to who?) ...

199 x .27 = 53.73 lbs of body fat (yikes); 199 - 53.73lbs = 145.27 lbs (which is ultimately my goal..so that seems to come out quite right .. would put me around a 22% body fat)


1704 (bmr) x 1.2 (sedentary) = 2044.8 (2045) = maintenance (no?)

2045 - 500 (deficit) = 1545 in order to lose 1 lb a week .... does this sound accurate?

Last week I bummed my calories from 1200 to 1570 and I've gained 4 lbs (unoffical until tomorrow) but wtf? I know I ate over my calories on sat & sun, but not 14,000 calories worth!!

I drink at the minimum 8 glasses of water a day ...

With that said, can you help me??? I need suggestions, advice, anything!!

Thanks <3


  • jsteffen80
    Dang... I was hoping to come in here and have a chat about escape velocity or gravity's affect on trajectory... I can't help you with this calorie stuff.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I used to be a propulsion technician.

    How do you know you've gained weight, and that it's not water, hormonal, or needing a poop?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think the calories sound right.

    I don't eat breakfast, I never have and never will. I have a cup of coffee with 1 sugar a little low fat milk and 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. I am a late night eater and have most of my calories from dinner til I go to bed. I don't believe it is when you eat it is what you are eating all day. I try to eat 4-5 times a day and stay under 150 healthy carbs (with no more then 45 per meal) and 1400 cals. a day now that I'm maintaining. No candy, cake, soda, chips, pretzels, or any other carb I consider bad, unless it's a special occasion and even then I think before I reach. If I do I try to make it fit in my day. As my snacks I usually eat low fat popcorn, Grapes ( change each season, clememtines are my fav now), Frozen berries and low fat yogurt, 1/2 cup Egg white omelets with peppers and onions or spinach and tomatoes, 1 oz cheddar cheese and wheatable crackers, Sometimes an apple or Graham cracker with a little crazy richards natural peanutbutter or smuckers low sugar jelly ( not artificial sweetened, I can't stand artifical), low fat pudding with a graham cracker crushed in it, if I want something sweet. But popcorn is my fav. as my snack. I eat low 40-45 cal Pepperidge light style whole grain breads or Thomas's sahara mini pitas for sandwiches with 1 oz of lunch meat, mayo or mustard , lettuce, tomato, hot peppers and if I use cheese, I make it low soduim and fat. I like lean cuisine meals but make sure they are under 600 sodium and under 30-40 carbs. They are all low in calories. I add frozen left over veggies to them to make them more filling without adding a lot of calories or sodium. When I eat starch with dinner I only have 1/4 cup of whole grain rice, 4 oz of potatoes, 1 oz of pasta or 2 cups of spaghetti squash loaded with zucchini, yellow squash, onions and canned no salt tomatoes. If I eat mac and cheese or things with sauces I stick to about 1/4 cup. I eat a lot of grilled chicken but no more then 6 oz., White fish 6 oz, salmon 3-4 oz, lean pork and beef 3 oz.. I try to eat a side salad after dinner every night with 1 oz of full fat dressing on the side (except when I have a lot of veggies with dinner), it helps with the after dinner muchies. For me the more carbs I eat with a meal the hungrier I feel after the meal. Processed soups and canned veggies are so high in sodium so I try to stay away. I'll make my own. I stay clear of most sauces and gravies too. They are a waste to me.Empty calories I could use for something else. I bought a food scale and it was the best tool I could have done for weight loss. I was shocked to see how much I was overeating and not realizing it. I don't exercise. I am the person who buys a club membership and never goes. I did not want to depend on it for weight loss. I cut calories and found healthier versions for the foods I love. I don't really follow any fad diet, except healthier carbs. Low Sodium is really important for me too. Here is a sample of an average day for me. Sometimes a little under, sometimes a little over. I don't obsess the way I use too.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    im totally watching this! lol ..im about the same height and weight and im at 1200... two weekend ago i went over maybe like 300 or 400 calories (which really can not be THAT bad) and i gained weight..

    i have noticed that every calorie is not created equal..for example... i was losing steady weight eating oatmeal for breakfast ...i got sick of it so ALL i changed was the oatmeal for yogart (the rest of the day i did the same thing) ...and guess what that week i did not lose 1 pnd..this week i changed back to my oatmeal and boom down 1.9 lbs ..and yes the difference is "calories" was about the same..only difference is that the yogart had more sugar
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    you are calculating it right. give the 1500 cal a chance for two or three weeks. see how you feel. its normal to gain after increasing, your body needs time to adjust ;)
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member

    1704 (bmr) x 1.2 (sedentary) = 2044.8 (2045) = maintenance (no?)

    2045 - 500 (deficit) = 1545 in order to lose 1 lb a week .... does this sound accurate?

    It all sounds right assuming your BF% and BMR calculations are correct....(which is very hard to get an accurate #.) And it's way better than the generic 1200 calories a day that MFP sometimes spits out to people.

    Are you weighing/measuring your foods? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Is there anyway you are overestimating your calorie burn from exercise or underestimating your intake?

    1 pound a week is a very healthy, reasonable goal. You are probably losing the fat, but know that it can often be masked by water weight due to various causes (time of the month, water retention from sodium or exercise, etc.). Keep chipping away and make sure your are accurate in your logging. Also, change up your exercise routine and add strength training if you're not already doing it. :flowerforyou:
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    Dang... I was hoping to come in here and have a chat about escape velocity or gravity's affect on trajectory... I can't help you with this calorie stuff.

    Sorry to disappoint you ;)
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Not a rocket scientist.

    Your calculations are correct.

    The weight gain you experienced is mostly water weight. You've been chronically under-eating and I'm sure your body jumped at the chance to replenish it's glycogen stores. With glycogen comes water. It's not a biggy and it's not worth anxiety. You'll start losing again soon.

    There IS also a possibility (probability?) that your metabolism changed due to your chronic under-eating habits. You've been under-eating for a year, after all. So your maintenance might not really be 2045. Does that mean you should go back to eating 1200 or less calories a day? Naw. You don't want to live like that forever. If you stick it out at the higher calorie level, you might gain a few actual pounds (not water weight, but real weight) as your body adjusts, then you'll start losing again.

    There are several great threads about repairing metabolisms... if you do a search (one of them is something about a 700 calorie a day diet), they should come up. They'll give you actual sources and such that you can read.

    Anyhow... I think you should stick with it. Take some measurements. Those help when the scale goes up but they don't.... and good luck.
  • ThisIsMe_sbd
    ThisIsMe_sbd Posts: 38 Member
    you are calculating it right. give the 1500 cal a chance for two or three weeks. see how you feel. its normal to gain after increasing, your body needs time to adjust ;)

    ^^I agree^^ give it a week or two and your body will "let go" and realize your not starving it anymore :)
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Ha ha...you actually attracted two people hoping to discuss rocket science!
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
  • me_annabelle
    and just to throw a wrench in the whole works...have any of you that are so closely counting calories, ever thought about using the atkins program?? I am just wondering. I have lost 14.6 pounds in just over 2 weeks. I don't count calories, just net carbs (total carbs minus fiber and subtract any sugar alcohols that come from artificial sweeteners) and for me, this works. VERY WELL. I had lost 50 pounds a few years ago, and got lazy about what I was eating....and those 50 pounds came back with some friends....
  • ffuunnnnyy__ggiirrll

    She said scientist not pants!
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member

    It all sounds right assuming your BF% and BMR calculations are correct....(which is very hard to get an accurate #.) And it's way better than the generic 1200 calories a day that MFP sometimes spits out to people.

    Are you weighing/measuring your foods? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Is there anyway you are overestimating your calorie burn from exercise or underestimating your intake?

    1 pound a week is a very healthy, reasonable goal. You are probably losing the fat, but know that it can often be masked by water weight due to various causes (time of the month, water retention from sodium or exercise, etc.). Keep chipping away and make sure your are accurate in your logging. Also, change up your exercise routine and add strength training if you're not already doing it. :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to the Dr today to help accurately calculate the BF%, but the way I did it was by using my waist, hip, forearm, wrist measurements as well as my personal information (age/sex/height) and it gave me 27%

    I do measure food, I have a food scale, but haven't weighed them out lately .. I do for chips, etc if I don't just count them out. I haven't exercised often lately due to a back injury, but when I do, I use my Polar HRM that I got for my birthday so I doubt I'm over/under estimating the calories. I try not to eat back all of the calories from exercise, for example: if I eat 1570 calories, and burn off 370 calories, I wouldn't eat anything back and that'd leave me at 1200 calories. Make sense?
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    and just to throw a wrench in the whole works...have any of you that are so closely counting calories, ever thought about using the atkins program?? I am just wondering. I have lost 14.6 pounds in just over 2 weeks. I don't count calories, just net carbs (total carbs minus fiber and subtract any sugar alcohols that come from artificial sweeteners) and for me, this works. VERY WELL. I had lost 50 pounds a few years ago, and got lazy about what I was eating....and those 50 pounds came back with some friends....

    Much of that 14.6 pounds is water weight. They're nothing wrong with low-carbing it if that's your thing, but you should know what you're doing. Low carbs = low glucose = low glycogen stores = less water retention. You WILL lose fat (and muscle) on the Atkins too, but the initial rapid weight loss is always part water.

    And counting net carbs is still counting. And you're still in a calorie deficit whether you count calories or not.

    The Atkins diet is not magical. It's just one of many diets that are available to those who want to lose weight. It works only if you stick with it and it does not have a huge advantage over any other diet... some people like it, some hate it.
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    How do you know you've gained weight, and that it's not water, hormonal, or needing a poop?

    b/c the scale said 206 this am and not 199 lol
  • bordakov
    So, I am actually a former rocket scientist. And I even took a biochemistry course back in the university. However it was in USSR 20 years ago and I switched to geoscience since then.
    But anyway physics is always about the measurements and their accuracy. As for your intake the measurements are pretty accurate. You just need to know food components you have consumed, i.e., carbs, protein and fat, ...
    As for how much you burn the measurements are not accurate at all. That includes your BMR and how much you burn during exersize. Since nobody has put you in calorimetry lab 24/7, nobody really knows what these numbers are for you now. Correlations to to derive burned calories used by HRM as well as BMR correlation have been made on a pretty limited sample.
    The best approximation of your MR would be one based on your weightwatchers experience, if you counted your calorie intake. Assuming that 22 lb is fat tissue (which is sure not, and must include muscle and glycogen) your MR = (your_intake - 22*3500)/number_of_days_in_diet. But that MR was then and you MR is different now. Notice I removed B, since you sure was not completely resting.
    So, MR measurement is not easy. The best you can do is to continue diet and exersize, count calories intake, estimate your average MR as I showed above and adjust your diet. And 1 week is not a term to make any judgement. You should at least wait more like 3 months to have about 10 weekly measurements. But how do you know that you are not getting worse in the meantime? You really don't, but you can add some insurance.
    First, in your case I would recommend do not eat your exersize calories back at all. These are the least accurate measurements. You can have 50% miss here even with HR monitor. You will not miss with 0. But you must feel yourself full. Time of your exercise may be very important for this.
    Second, make sure you feel full with you basic MFP diet assuming no exersize. If it is not the case, adjust your diet: eat more protein, less carb and drastically cut on sugar. If you can go 100 or 200 cal below MFP diet calories and still feel full, do it.
    Third, strength exercise can make you muscle grow, which will increase your BMR.
    Sorry for writing too much, but perhaps this will help.