Thanks for all the info and advice as well as recommendations i owe yall
i have no words
I have tried Williams/Sonoma, Bed Bath Beyone, and Asian Markets so far i have failed how big? lets shoot for 9inches and up
Campbell Fitness
Its all going to come down to overall conditioning on the day of the show. Both lifters have made great progress in terms of mass and strength in their respective offseasons, however its all going to depend on who can preserve the majority of their gains when dialing in the cuts fo da sluts.
Possible? Yes, simply create a 35,000 calorie loss Is it safe, reasonable, practical, healthy and smart to do such a thing? ...probably na
Check out Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Program and welcome to the family of brothers and sisters or Iron
I am a huge overnight oats guy as well I had not considered bringing Molasses into the equation As a matter a fact, i have never tried Molasses Thanks for the insight I was just looking for an alternative route so i wouldnt have to bring in the corn syrups Thanks ill see how this goes may even through in some brown sugar…
<--- Got Shredded of Pecan Pie and Polly''s BanBerry Pie IIFYM FTMFW
I am in my mid 20's In terms of Deload Weeks, i do feel one needs to access the optimal periodization for deloads in accordance to their own body's response to training and recovery I must take a deload week every fourth week of training, and on every 8th week, i take the entire week off. It is challenging both staying…
On Deloads: I also used to feel they should be individualized but in MY case this lead to over-reaching, Now i force my body to take a deload week every 4th week, If i just cannot taper my loads and intensity, I take the whole week off THis lets my fire, drive, and motivation skyrocket while by body fully recovers thus…
Wendler 5/3/1 + Caloric Surplus = Strength and Quality Mass cant argue it bro, its like science