

  • You look at LEAST 10 years younger as well. Keep it up!
  • To MarineMom. You must be very proud! My two boys are in the Canadian Armed Forces and they will drive any distance on leave!
  • My sister and I drove from Vancouver, Canada to the Grand Canyon last March (over 1600 miles) , non-stop except for a 2 hour layover because of a snowstorm in the mountain passes of Northern California. Two drivers, but we did it without stopping to sleep. Best trip ever!
  • Absolutely doable. Have some healthy small meals along in a cooler (whole wheat sandwiches, carrots, fruit etc), lots of water. Make sure you have all your favorite music with you. Crank the tunes, enjoy what nature has to offer and think of it as an adventure. We drive to our cabin (550 miles) sometimes after work on a…
  • Smile and enjoy your accomplishments, and get use to hearing more compliments!
  • My morning smoothie is veggies and fruit: 1 1/2 cups of chopped kale 1 small banana small handful of blueberries (I keep a bag in my freezer) 1/2 cup of plain yogurt 1/2 cup of skim milk 1 tsp ground flax Looks awful, smells great and is full of goodness. This amount would be enough for 2 people. I sip on it all morning…