

  • Makes sense Pam. The principle is basically the same as my program, without the misinformation. :smile: Thanks for all the good info! Craig
  • The diet was called The Flatbelly Solution and they changed the name to The Diet Solution...Isabel de los Rios is the nutrition guru on the program. The issue with sugar was exactly as my (their) original statement was. Sucrose (which she said was NOT in fruit) causes quick spikes in insulin levels, followed by a quick…
  • That's interesting. I'm not sure if I can (or should) mention the name of the diet program, but it's the first I've tried. I grew up skinny so I never noticed a change until the doctor weighed me in at 226, so I never really knew anything about nutrition...actuall I still may know nothing because everything I know came…
  • This sentence " Fruit contains sugar, but solely in the form of fructose, whereas processed sugar (sucrose) is made up of both glucose and fructose." was quoted verbatim (actually cut and pasted) from the manual. I gave her the page and paragraph and am visualizing the squirming.
  • Kind of interesting...all of the questions around mine are getting answered by consultants, but not mine. I will post the response if I get one.
  • I'm new here and I don't know how to see your diary, but look at some of the things you might be eating regularly. Experiment by eliminating one at a time from your diet and see if it's one particular thing that's holding you up. I found that grains were doing it for me. I eliminated them completely, and the weight loss…
  • I just jumped over to her forum and threw it back at her. I hope you guys are right...or I'm about to lose a lot of friends lol.
  • sheesh...I'm sorry already. I'm not a fructologist, I just repeated what was told to me by a nutritionist (Isabel De Los Rios) on the diet program that helped me lose all of my weight (that picture ain't me).
  • That's all right. My wife never lets me be right either.
  • I've been eating 2 fried eggs (in whole butter) and 2 hard boiled eggs most every day for the past year. Lost 42 pounds and reached my goal of 185 in about 6 months (the picture is not really me...but the car is lol). My lipid panel readings were originally borderline high on the LDL and mid-20s for the HDL with sky…
  • Nobody has addressed the insulin activities for different sugars. Fruit contains sugar, but solely in the form of fructose, whereas processed sugar (sucrose) is made up of both glucose and fructose. By itself, fructose breaks down more slowly in the body; sugar and insulin levels remain relatively constant. In contrast,…
  • Okay, I'll be your friend. I've lost 46 lbs during the first 6 months last year and have been maintaining my target ever since. I look pretty svelt, huh?