Sugars in fruit



  • craig21037
    That's all right. My wife never lets me be right either.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,024 Member
    lol, if you were right I wouldn't have commented......can't say why your wife thinks your wrong though. j/k
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Whoa! All fruits have a combination of fructose, glucose, and sucrose, not just fructose. Most fruits have about the same amount of fructose as they do glucose. However, the sweeter fruits - apples, pears, grapes, etc. - have a lot more fructose than glucose. If you have fructose sensitivity, you will notice that your body reacts far differently to, say, apples vs. berries. There is no point in me eating just an apple when I am hungry, because the amount of fructose "overload" in it will tank my blood sugar and make me more hungry.

    Nobody has addressed the insulin activities for different sugars. Fruit contains sugar, but solely in the form of fructose, whereas processed sugar (sucrose) is made up of both glucose and fructose. By itself, fructose breaks down more slowly in the body; sugar and insulin levels remain relatively constant. In contrast, sucrose is processed extremely quickly, causing a “spike” in insulin levels—rather like a power surge followed by a rapid return to baseline levels—that is stressful for the body. Eating fruit does not lead to the spikes in insulin, as does processed sugar. Go for the fruits with the lower glycemic index numbers.
  • craig21037
    sheesh...I'm sorry already. I'm not a fructologist, I just repeated what was told to me by a nutritionist (Isabel De Los Rios) on the diet program that helped me lose all of my weight (that picture ain't me).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Well then we'll just blame her. Maybe a letter-writing campaign!


    sheesh...I'm sorry already. I'm not a fructologist, I just repeated what was told to me by a nutritionist (Isabel De Los Rios) on the diet program that helped me lose all of my weight (that picture ain't me).
  • craig21037
    I just jumped over to her forum and threw it back at her. I hope you guys are right...or I'm about to lose a lot of friends lol.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
  • craig21037
    Kind of interesting...all of the questions around mine are getting answered by consultants, but not mine. I will post the response if I get one.
  • craig21037
    This sentence " Fruit contains sugar, but solely in the form of fructose, whereas processed sugar (sucrose) is made up of both glucose and fructose." was quoted verbatim (actually cut and pasted) from the manual. I gave her the page and paragraph and am visualizing the squirming.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Wow, that's pretty scary coming from a nutritionist. Mind you, I've also had nutritionists tell me that people cannot be healthy on a vegetarian diet. Or that white bread doesn't contain gluten. My personal trainer who had my calories set too low is supposed to be a nutritionist. But sheesh . . . this stuff is pretty darn basic . . .


    This sentence " Fruit contains sugar, but solely in the form of fructose, whereas processed sugar (sucrose) is made up of both glucose and fructose." was quoted verbatim (actually cut and pasted) from the manual. I gave her the page and paragraph and am visualizing the squirming.
  • craig21037
    That's interesting. I'm not sure if I can (or should) mention the name of the diet program, but it's the first I've tried. I grew up skinny so I never noticed a change until the doctor weighed me in at 226, so I never really knew anything about nutrition...actuall I still may know nothing because everything I know came from her. Oh well, the diet lost me 40 pounds and I reached my goal in 6 months and I've been maintaining it without problem for the last 6 months.

    Still no response from the forum...
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'd be interested in knowing which diet program it is.

    I'm glad it worked for you, and I'm not telling you to quit it or anything. I would take their explanations with a grain of salt, though!

    That's interesting. I'm not sure if I can (or should) mention the name of the diet program, but it's the first I've tried. I grew up skinny so I never noticed a change until the doctor weighed me in at 226, so I never really knew anything about nutrition...actuall I still may know nothing because everything I know came from her. Oh well, the diet lost me 40 pounds and I reached my goal in 6 months and I've been maintaining it without problem for the last 6 months.

    Still no response from the forum...
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Do you guys count the natural sugar in your fruits? My daily sugar goal is about 30 g and I keep going over but it's mostly from fruit as the other foods I eat is either sugar free or no sugar added and pretty low in sugar . I'm usually over by like 20 g
    Better question is what do you care what your sugar is (assuming you're not a diabetic) Just keep tabs on total carb intake and stay under that goal. Eating sugar while on a restricted calorie diet is not bad for you at all assuming you're healthy)
  • craig21037
    The diet was called The Flatbelly Solution and they changed the name to The Diet Solution...Isabel de los Rios is the nutrition guru on the program. The issue with sugar was exactly as my (their) original statement was. Sucrose (which she said was NOT in fruit) causes quick spikes in insulin levels, followed by a quick crash, which stresses the body. I do know that eating foods containing processed sugar, corn or other syrups give me a moment of hyperactivity followed by tiredness which don't seem to occur with fruit and other natural sugars. She also says, and I am happy to believe, that raw sugar is MUCH better than synthesized sugar substitutes...but her main promotion for sweetness is Stevia.

    I got an attempted reply from one of the consultants, but she had completely misunderstood the issue. I explained it several different ways and she eventually said, "Ohhhhh, I see...I don't know why the manual says that unless they were just trying to make a point". To which I said, "What?" and have heard nothing since. I will float it to the top again today.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Setting aside the fructose/sucrose issue, I personally believe that natural sugars in as unprocessed a state as possible are the best for our bodies. With fruit, you have the fibre to help slow down absorption, as well as fructose not spiking the blood sugar as quickly because it has to be processed by the liver. With raw sugar, or evaporated cane juice, or whatever, you have the natural minerals as well as the sugar, and I believe that the finer the grind, the faster the sugar is going to be dissolved and absorbed. Just my thoughts.

  • craig21037
    Makes sense Pam. The principle is basically the same as my program, without the misinformation. :smile: Thanks for all the good info!

  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Craig, I have done the diet solution, and I LOVED it, I felt more energized and much healthier all around. 99% of the information she gives is good solid advice! Was she wrong on the sugar stuff? Who knows, I can not seem to find that in my pdf files from her, but I do know that for the short time I was able to afford to be on that diet, I felt energized, my skin was healthier, and I was dropping weight. Unfortunately I am on a strict budget, and things like coconut oil, spelt flour, organic veggies etc are very expensive in my area (we live in a small community and Hy Vee is the only place that carries anything "organic") also the cost of grass fed beef or bison in my area is 9-18.00 per lb, and even a dozed free range chicken eggs is around 3.00 here. We have a family of 6, and it was costing around 300.00 a week on that diet for food alone! What she says about processed foods, chemicals and man made products and how they effect your fat burning process makes total sense to me, and although I do not follow her program strictly anymore due to budget, I have incorporated many of the things she suggests, we have switched over to turkey in place of beef for burgers, tacos etc, have switched to 100% pure unrefined olive oil, stevia in the raw, no pork, lots of chicken and go to the farmers market in the summer months for fresh veggies without pesticides etc. We have also found a local who sells farm fresh eggs from chickens that are free range so all of those things still seem to help!