

  • Butterfly0702 was right there are a lot of us T1's out here. I've been T1 for 25 yrs. I too am trying to get to 150 lbs, in the last 8 weeks I've lost 11 lbs. This site has helped me a lot giving me a tool to track my calories, etc and have friends support helps a lot.
  • The last month since lowering my Lantus has been much better. I also try to eat cheese or something else with protein in it as part of my evening snack to help keep my sugars more stable at night. Thanks for your suggestions and advise.
  • Great job, You look great and yes it does inspire me to keep going and not except that I will never get back to what i use to be. Thanks.
  • I guess I'm a bad diabetic. I've been Diabetic for 25 yrs, as long as my eating is "normal" and I'm feeling ok, I do not test near as often as anyone said. I some times do not test it all all for a few days. I will then test it to make sure that I'm still on track. If not, I will test it a few times a day for a couple…
  • Thanks, If i continue to have the issues with the low due to the Lantus I will definately ask the dr about the Levemir. I take Humalog with breakfast, lunch and supper, and take lantus at supper also.
  • follow up....dr said i'm doing the right things. he just suggested that I lower how much lantus I am taking to try to prevent the really low spells