

  • more thing...if you look anything like your picture you are a very beautiful woman just the way you are!
  • I am going to share with you what is working for me. I still struggle a bit with over eating at night but now I only do it slightly and with foods that will not feed the cravings but will satisfy them. The cravings for many people are about their body's insulin response to carbohydrates. When you eat too many carbs your…
  • ...and I almost forgot...with the bulk of your calories coming from fats you will get to a point where you don't want desert or anything sweet for that matter. At this point desert would be a small piece of strong cheese and/or a glass of red wine. Once weaned off carbs your sweet tooth disappears.
  • I was diagnosed 18 months ago with Type II diabetes. I was 48 yrs old and carried 335 lbs on my 6' frame. My doctor explained the relationship among insulin, carbohydrates, liver function, and inflammation. He put me on a 30 gram carbohydrate per day limit and said to focus on this only and worry about nothing else. I…
  • I am a beer guy too. I have been brewing as a hobby for 20 years. (Probably responsible for my weight as well.) For me beer seems to do 3 negative things: stimulate my apetite, add unneeded calories, and weaken my resolve. If I can't overcome the resolve issue and account for the beer in my daily calorie intake I will have…
    in Alcohol.... Comment by rwperez June 2012
  • I know how you feel. I don't have much of an answer for you because I haven't solved it either. Add me if you like...maybe one of us will figure this out and can help the other.
  • Go with the love life. Without that who cares about being thin!
  • Wow, those are two things we really can't do much about. Well...I guess we could stop aging but that would be much worse than loose skin!
  • Every situation is different but maybe a friend or relative can come by and fill in for you while you squeeze in a little "you" time. If you feel good you may lift your husband's spirits as well!
  • I am concerned about loose skin as well. I read that skin cells only live a few months and that your entire skin (organ) is replaced every year or so assuming a healthy lifestyle is followed. Skin is a maintenance draw for your body so it will not maintain more skin than it needs (to a point). From what I have read it may…
  • Cute little one! Mine are mostly grown. Feel free to add me and congrats on your success so far!
    in New to MFP! Comment by rwperez June 2012
  • I am new as well. Feel free to add me as a friend.