No will-power what so ever!!

Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has any tips to get back on track and stick to this whole dieting thing!!

Over the past few months I've totally lost all will-power, and although I have the motivation I need to lose; i.e. holidays/weddings/birthdays etc, I just don't seem to stick to anything.

I lost nearly 2 stone on slimming world last year, but now I've lost my job & can't justify the cost anymore. I say to myself I'm going to do this all the time & log everything then it gets to around 7pm and I just forget it and binge.

I really don't know what to do anymore, I'm so unhappy with how I look but just can't seem to stop this cycle :(

Any advice?

Ps. I'm hating the fact that I'm the fat friend & can only wear leggings because none of my jeans fit; yet I still can't manage a day without messing up :(


  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    Get your binge food OUT of your house!!!! I used to be an evening binger too. I couldn't control myself. Take some before pictures in your bra & panties. It's a bit of a wake up call. If 7pm you start to binge then look @ the clock when you see it hit 7pm grab a water bottle and drink it like "snacking". When it's gone, grab another! And another. Sure starting out it doesn't "seem" filling. But soon you will train yourself to go "Ahhh that water really hit the spot" Trust me!!! You can do this. You have to really put yourself all in. You can do this girl. Train yourself to make good habits. Don't "diet" Just train in the good stuff and it'll become a habit & a lot easier.
  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    Yea I had a bit of a wake up call when I went to buy bikinis at the weekend for my upcoming holiday, I've got 8 weeks until I go so this is it now! I need to do this.
    I try only buy healthy foods but I've had to move back with my parents (due to the job lost etc.) and they've always got crisps/chocolate/biscuits/alcohol etc.

    I need to drink more water anyway, so I'll start having loads around my binge time and see if that helps!
    Thank you for your advice!
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    Yea I had a bit of a wake up call when I went to buy bikinis at the weekend for my upcoming holiday, I've got 8 weeks until I go so this is it now! I need to do this.
    I try only buy healthy foods but I've had to move back with my parents (due to the job lost etc.) and they've always got crisps/chocolate/biscuits/alcohol etc.

    I need to drink more water anyway, so I'll start having loads around my binge time and see if that helps!
    Thank you for your advice!

    That's rough when you have snacks that you can't remove. Sometimes I try and do a good workout instead of eat. Then, I might even have burnt enough calories to eat something yummy! =D Also, look at your calories allowed per day. If you eating at 1200 like most women, try upping your calorie intake. Lowering your goal to either 1.5lbs or 1lb a week. Sometimes people binge because they are just HUNGRY! LoL, if your body isn't getting enough food it's gonna tell you mentally it's hungry. Probably forcing you into a binge to fill itself. =)
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    If 7pm is your time for snacking, make this your workout time, go for a walk, jog, run, do an exercise dvd, you will find that after 30 minutes of exercise your apertite for snack food has gone. Also ask your parents to put the crisps, chocolates and biscuits in a place and not tell you where there have put them. Make sure you have healthy things like fruit, veg and nuts always on show so that if you do snack it will be on these rather than the bad things. And yes the water thing does work. Good luck I'm sure you will get there, it is hard work sometimes, but isn't anything in life!!
  • imogen11
    imogen11 Posts: 15
    Start by trying to refrain from telling yourself that you have no willpower. How do you expect yourself to have any willpower when you keep telling yourself that you have none? I'm currently working on this one myself! :-)
  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    Thank you both for your advice! I guess I'll just have to make small steps in the right direction instead of constantly beating myself up about the bad ones I've made!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    If you're continuing to log then thats half the battle. Now you just need to find something healthier to snack on in the evenings. I read that frozen yogurt drops are good. You just pipe some yogurt into drop shapes on a tray and freeze them. They might trick your brain as they look like sweets and should taste sweet and creamy if you use a good yogurt.

    I'm sure most of us have been where you are mentally at the moment and it is very frustrating. Just keep doing your best until you can put your heart into it fully again.
  • CBrook04
    CBrook04 Posts: 107
    I find some kind of exercise will usually get rid of the feeling to wanna binge. When it becomes late & I wanna keep eating, more than I have planned for the day I usually go to bed (this is about anywhere from 10-11). I understand that may not be an option at 7. Like said before, water usually does the trick too. I had a real bad day yesterday, going over a few hundred calories but I made sure I worked my butt off to burn the calories before I went to bed. That'll teach me to go bingeing again, stupid TOM! :explode:
  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    Thanks for your advice everyone!!
    I'm gunna give these tips a go! I hope they work, I know I can do it.

    I hope everyone elses weight loss is going well!!
  • rwperez
    rwperez Posts: 13
    I am going to share with you what is working for me. I still struggle a bit with over eating at night but now I only do it slightly and with foods that will not feed the cravings but will satisfy them.

    The cravings for many people are about their body's insulin response to carbohydrates. When you eat too many carbs your blood sugar rises and your pancreas floods your bloodstream with insulin which signals your cells to burn what glucose it can. Your liver must store the rest as fat to clear your bloodstream of excess glucose. This leaves your bloodstream temporarily with too much insulin triggering hunger and a desire for more glucose. As this cycle continues the insulin receptors in your cells begin to "tune out" because they can not handle any more glucose. This means your body stores more fat while continuing to signal your brain that you are hungry.

    If you can get your carbohydrate intake below 100 grams per day and pay attention to nothing else your cravings will greatly diminish over the course of 2 - 3 weeks requiring less willpower on your part. By the way don't feel bad about your will power. Very few people have enough will power to ignore their body's hunger signals. The key is removing the substance that is causing your body to send the signals...carbohydrates!
  • rwperez
    rwperez Posts: 13 more thing...if you look anything like your picture you are a very beautiful woman just the way you are!
  • AJL437
    AJL437 Posts: 71 Member
    Brush your teeth. Seriously - this really helped me. It somehow signaled my brain that I was done eating for the day. If I felt the boredom - not hungry- urge to eat, I would go brush them again.
  • well first off you have to start seeing your success not failure. start a photo log and date it so you can start seeing your results. stop thinking of yourself as the fat friend!!! think of yourself as the girl on a mission. try not to think of it as a diet, you should be thinking of it as a life change! diets are only temporary, life change is permanent. because I guarantee you once a diet ends you slowly start to put back on the weight. start a dream board with all of your goals and the reason why you are on your mission. see a nutritionist and determine the health benefits of your diet change, also determine the dangers of continuing an unhealthy life style. REMEMBER YOU ONLY GET ONE BODY ONE CHANCE!
  • mariejoe88
    mariejoe88 Posts: 7 Member
    Omg when i read your post I felt like it was me writing it!! i was doing the same, I was good all day but then at night when I went over my 1200 calories, i stopped writting.

    I have a goal : november is a salsa boat cruise where there will be tons of hot women and men almost naked on the beach. As a salsa dancer, i noticed that even if i'm an amazing dancer, the ones that don't know me won't come and ask me to dance because i'm 'bigger' . I want to feel confident and healthy. so this time I'm doing it for ME.

    We have to learn to say 'no thank you' when people give us stuff. You have to tell yourself : skinny tastes much better than food ;)

    Drink lots of water, plan your meals for the day (even for the week), no alcohol (except on saturday night ;)), cut down carbs (this is what kills us.. and make us crave sugar more and more and cause belly fat).

    Tell yourself that it's not worth that 5 second pleasure of eating it and then suffering for hours at the gym to burn it off.

    ONLY YOU CAN DO IT!!! You control what you put in your mouth, no one else!!

    I am very motivated right now, i even printed a calendar where I wrote all my workouts for the next 4 months and everyday I accomplish my workout goal that I set myself, i put a big red X, it's very motivating.

    GET UP AND JUST DO IT, I KNOW YOU CAN, just like a lot of people on MFP!

    good luck xoxo
  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    This is all fantastic advice, thank you all so much.

    Carbs are a huge staple in my diet so I think I'm going to sit down this evening and research alternatives and plan my meals.
    & I understand what you're saying Mariejoe about feeling bigger. People say to me that I needn't worry but its how you feel yourself, all my friends are tiny & I'm a lot bigger than most my social group.

    The issue is time really isn't itt, time to plan and appreciate the little successes like saying no!!
  • VonTinka
    VonTinka Posts: 89 Member
    Gather pictures of what you want to look like as well I did that and it helped me. You need to just know when to say noto the crap, it's not worth it I could have something more filling with less calories. If you eat something bad make up for it as well by working out or having something healthy. It's not all doom and gloom once you train yourself to realise you don't need this and that and don't be scared of eating out once in a while either :) Good luck!!
  • xomellyxo
    xomellyxo Posts: 32
    thank you for your advice!! I've now got an album of 'inspriation' on my phone & look at the pics when I'm tempted to be naughty! I've also been logging everything, even if its over & have begun to stick to one set of scales so I don't have conflicting weights.