

  • Thanks! It is good to hear from people that have had it. I only know people that have done the RNY, so they think I am crazy for choosing the sleeve. I think it is the best fit for me and the more I hear about it, the more I know I am making the right choice.
  • That is so awesome and inspiring to see that it can be done!! Way to go!!!
  • The gym is the best place for comedy honestly. The other day a guy was running on the treadmill with it on a high incline, but was holding on for dear life while looking like he was going to fall at any time. We were taking bets on if he was going to slip off the back. Also it drives me nuts seeing kids (pre-teens) running…
  • I just started being gluten free as of the first of the year, it seems to be helping so I will definitely continue with it! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I love when he hosts!! Good to know that he will be on this week, I tivo it and watch them on the weekends!
  • I have to say there have been many bad things said about my weight throughout my life, but on of the more recent ones that was not meant to be mean is what inspires me. My niece (who is 5) told me I have a big belly and started to rub it, then looked up at me and said but I love you Auntie. That was a push in the right…
  • I had the same problem because I do a class at my gym as well, but I have found that wearing a heart rate monitor that tells me calories burned is useful. I then just created my own exercise (I usually put mine under cardio even if it does include weights because it is easier) and enter the calories that I burned for that…