

  • Ulcer? Hernia?
  • Lol sometimes I wonder what I would look like after I lost weight and it seems weird! I feel I "wont look right." I haven't seen myself skinny since I was 9-10 and I just turned 22!
  • I don't understand why people can't just learn to enjoy healthy foods? After eating clean for a few weeks, my body completely rejects any kind of burger or fries. Whenever I crave a treat, I crave something like a smoothie or homemade granola bars. Anyway, I guess I could agree with this article. I've lost weight from just…
  • LOL not sure if this counts... but my butt always seems to be topic of conversation. Just because it's big doesn't mean you can... -come up and ask me if it's real and/or did the surgery hurt? (strangers have actually asked me this) -openly grab it in public (yes, strangers have done this also! there was alcohol involved,…
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