No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • I'm a freelance photographer/designer.

    NO I will not photograph your wedding for free, or do you some portraits of your kids, or make you a poster for something, or "knock you up a quick website". It's how I make a living, duh.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I can totally relate. I used to have microbraids and ppl used to come up to me and touch my hair and ask me how much it cost to get it done, how long does it last, how do I sleep on it, how long did it take to get done, then they ask to touch it or just touch it on their own. So YES I feel you on so many levels!
  • cmhickey616
    cmhickey616 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a nurse and it is not ok for you to ask me to diagnose you...I don't know what that weird cramping in your foot/side is from, I don't know if you're going to die from that, I don't know why your pee is a weird color, and no I don't want to look at it. Unless you're my patient and I'm getting paid to take care of you stop asking me these kinds of questions.
  • mle_k
    mle_k Posts: 88
    my it... would have to be my hair and (this is a bit weird) eyelashes... YUP... eyelashes... I can't count how many people come up to me and ask if they are real, which is fine... I know they a prety sweet... but several people have tried to "pet" them... like I was some sort of puppy dog... who touches someone's eyelashes...? No touch! :laugh: :glasses:
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    wow, to the original poster...

    do you think people are creepy if they compliment you on your tattoos?

    im generally an outspoken person and enjoy being social.. your post makes me never want to say anything nice to someone again about their awesome artwork.

    thanks for that. :(

    I'm not the OP but...I don't think it's wrong to have someone compliment my tattoos but I don't feel I have to give you the "deep meaning" of them or defend my choice in having them. There is a big difference between a compliment and prying or being judgmental.

    Agree with the second point. You can't see mine all the time so I don't get bugged but why do we have to justify what we spend our money on? Or why we like it?
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Ad OP, c'mon... no one goes full-sleeves unless they enjoy being on display.

    If your tattoos weren't intended to differentiate and distinguish you from the herd, they'd be someplace concealable like mine are.

    I'll be the first to admit you are totally right. I never said I didn't like attention. I just don't like the stupid attention. tell me you like em - sweet! Chat a bit about who my artist is - awesome! Ask me to explain the deep meaning (because dont' ALL tattoos have meaning) of each and every one of them while in line at starbucks? really?
  • LOL not sure if this counts... but my butt always seems to be topic of conversation. Just because it's big doesn't mean you can...

    -come up and ask me if it's real and/or did the surgery hurt? (strangers have actually asked me this)
    -openly grab it in public (yes, strangers have done this also! there was alcohol involved, but still...)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    After I tell you I am married and don't have children, it is NOT OK for you to:

    1) Ask why I don't have kids

    2) Ask when I plan on having kids

    3) Tell me that you're sure I'll change my mind (I'm 40, have been married 15 years and my husband has had a vasectomy - we're pretty darn sure that babies are not for us!)

    4) Tell me you think it's 'weird' for a woman not to want children

    Seriously... everyone from family to acquaintances to people I just randomly meet seems to think my fertility and child-bearing prospects are suitable for casual conversation. Everyone also seems to feel entitled to an opinion. Drives me nuts!
    OMG...same here...people are like baby-pushers..."you HAVE to have kids"....
    UMMM... "Why?"
    Its SO inappropriate to comment on that. I don't ask them why they had its none of their business that we don't want our own....
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    My boobs. But If I am walking those puppies you can look at them but you can't pet them cos their mum will bite you. Grrrrrrrrr:devil:
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm a little surprised that I'm the first person to mention unwanted dieting advice from random strangers... Wait, am I the only one this happens to? I just LOVE everyone telling me what I should do to lose an abundance of weight... Let's see, one side of the fence is Vegan...the other side, Primal. Oh *kitten*... What do I eat now?

    And, a serious low point for me was when one of my co-workers stops by and smugly asks "Oh, are you having another baby"... Rat... I looked him dead in the eye and said, "Nope, just fat." Petty revenge but figured he should be as embarassed as I was. He hemmed and hawwed but now he is afraid to look me in the eye. Good... RAT!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm the animal person in my family and friend group. Every person comes to me when they find a cat or a dog that has been abandoned, or when they need to have an animal spayed.

    I don't mind it, but at one point, I had way too many cats in my house to handle lol.
    I'm the animal person at work. I've caught and released a bird and saved 3 feral kittens (one I kept, one was taken by someone that works in the building, and one I trapped and took to a local shelter).

    I'm sure springtime will bring new litters of kittens *sigh*.
  • My husband is half Mexican, so my daughter (only 1/4 Mexican) has pretty tan skin. I agree, she is fairly dark, darker than my husband, but she tans really easy and spends a lot of time in the sun! However, for complete strangers to ask me when I'm with her "Is she adopted?" or "She has gorgeous skin color, is she yours?", it peeves me off! First of all, YES she is mine. She looks a lot like me except for her dark skin. Second, IF she was adopted, it's not really okay for you to ask about it unsolicited. It seems so rude to me!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My "it" would have to be my art.

    1. No, I don't want to draw a picture of your dog.
    2. No, I don't want to illustrate your ideas into a comic book, MUCH LESS FOR FREE.
    3. No I don't design logos
    4. Yes, it bothers me very much if you hang your head of my shoulder while I draw.



    LOL I am an artist too and I have the same issues-- I do portraits/pet portraits sometimes FOR MONEY but it never ceases to amaze me how many people think you'll just whip something up for them for free. Oh and I don't mind people watching but that's because I was an art teacher for four years and I had to get used to it.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    This happens to me on an almost weekly basis. I wear heels, skirts and stockings to work 5 days a week I also have psoriasis on my legs (this is an autoimmune disease-so no cure just trying to contain it) . While standing at the bus stop/ walking to my car/ in the grocery store etc.
    1. How can you walk in those heels?
    2. I can't walk in heels
    3. Don't you know wearing heels is bad for you feet?
    4. Aren't you cold?
    5. Aren't you hot with stockings on?
    6. What are those red spots on your legs?
    7. Is it contagious?

    You know I am sorry you can't walk in high heels, and no I am not cold/hot and it is non of your business if I have reddness on my legs! grrr
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    my it... would have to be my hair and (this is a bit weird) eyelashes... YUP... eyelashes... I can't count how many people come up to me and ask if they are real, which is fine... I know they a prety sweet... but several people have tried to "pet" them... like I was some sort of puppy dog... who touches someone's eyelashes...? No touch! :laugh: :glasses:

    ^^THIS^^ Long, thick, black lashes. People poke me in the eye trying to touch. Why would you DO that?!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    My height.
    My height is not an invitation to ask me why I don't play for the local basketball franchise. Kids: Do not climb me. This happens now and again. I don't know why.
    Go ahead and ask me how "the weather up here" is. Just please. Not the basketball question.
    Do not look at me, ask HOW TALL ARE YOU? and THEN look SURPRISED at how tall I am. Like you couldn't see I'm a foot taller than you BEFORE you knew the number?? Also, don't tell me that your 6'4 cousin is taller than me and I can't possibly be 6'7.

    My car.
    Strangers always stop me to tell me when they owned a car "Just like it, but it was an old one, a classic you know, 1967...."
    Coworkers always ask me where I "got the money" and how I can "afford the gas."
    News flash home boy, it cost less than your honda accord and gets similar gas mileage...

    My dogs.
    Ask me any question you like, pretty much. Tell me about your dogs, I enjoy hearing about them. Don't question my decision on breed, it's a personal choice. Don't tell me they're too skinny. I don't overfeed my dogs. Dogs should be narrower at the waist. Your basketball shaped dog is unhealthy.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My husband is half Mexican, so my daughter (only 1/4 Mexican) has pretty tan skin. I agree, she is fairly dark, darker than my husband, but she tans really easy and spends a lot of time in the sun! However, for complete strangers to ask me when I'm with her "Is she adopted?" or "She has gorgeous skin color, is she yours?", it peeves me off! First of all, YES she is mine. She looks a lot like me except for her dark skin. Second, IF she was adopted, it's not really okay for you to ask about it unsolicited. It seems so rude to me!!

    Plus what if she WAS adopted but didn't know yet? That's an incredibly inconsiderate thing to say in front of a child. I know a guy whose son is dark-skinned and someone asked him once (in front of his son) how much he cost. seriously.
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    This is "it" may be the same as yours. I don't have a sleeve but as soon as one of my 5 show it's a million and one questions or....what made you do that?... like what makes you wash your *kitten* in the morning??? annoying...
  • skir927
    skir927 Posts: 61 Member
    I can definitely relate with PP's about kids, boobs, and being a lawyer. :laugh: Also, why do people take one step back from you when they find out you're a lawyer? I don't have the power to sue you with my touch.

    My "it" relates to my kids. I have 2 boys, so either get "are you going to try for a girl now?" or "were you disappointed the little one wasn't a girl?". Seriously? He's standing right there. And no, I was actually hoping another boy. And if I have a third, hope that baby's a healthy baby.... and another boy, if I had my pick.

    Also, my two boys look very different, so I have actually been asked if they have the same father. :noway: Um, yes, and you are crazy rude.
  • My "it" would have to be about the "secret" behind my recent weight loss / increase in physical fitness.

    Stop asking me for the "secret" behind my "recent" weight loss. As everyone on this site knows, THERE IS NO SECRET!

    My polite response is "watching what I eat and exercising a lot." If they press me I tell them my primary focus is athletic training and I work out a LOT. I'm not doing this to be "skinny", I am doing this to be healthy and strong. I didn't take any pills or magic smoothies or use the latest fitness gadget. I workout 5 days a week for an hour or two a day and I bust my *kitten* to be fit. (like 1,000 calories an hour).

    It's not fun or easy. I love it, but it's not what I would call "fun". I work really hard and do my best to eat a healthy diet so I get irritated when people assume it's fun or easy.

    When they ask me how do I find the time I respond with "I don't watch TV and I when writing my weekly schedule I put my workouts on the calendar first and everything else has to work around it. There is NO other way to do this.

    The worst part has to be the dissatisfied look on their face when I tell them to "eat right & workout". REALLY? It's 2012! If there was a "secret weight loss formula" it would have been discovered by now!

    Don't believe the's hard work and self-control and that's it. =)