No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • mrshmiller9
    "it" - when your pregnant
    My belly bump is not an open invitation for you to touch me or rub me- or tell me your voodoo tricks to find out what I'm having... Lol
    No touchy!
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    not sure if this counts.... but

    "it's" not okay to assume just because I am tall for a chick that I play basketball or volleyball.

    my sport is soccer, thanks!
  • sailorsiren13
    Hahaha that's Awesome!!!! I have had people touch me like yanking my shirt up or down trying to see my Ink! my mom promised to leave me out of her will if i got anymore...Guys trying to hit on me with weird *kitten* lines involving my ink....Funny to see someone else's point of view! my favorite question of all was when i was in the chair last month getting my arm done and a lady said "Does it hurt?" ya think?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    People giving me parenting advice. I have 4 kids, been there done that, got the t-shirt. I don't need your opinion on poop, breastfeeding, formula feeding, puke, food, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, making my own food, spanking, discipline or anything else kid related. I will raise my kids the best way I know how and do what I feel is best for them. If you don't like it, TOUGH!!!

    I can totally relate to this one too!
  • KaiteeKarrot
    My accent,

    It's a long story... but I've lived in England for a while and have just moved BACK to the USA...

    1. Are you english? No
    2. Then why do you sound English? I don't/ it's a long story/ I guess I just picked it up/ blah blah blah
    3. Repeating words I say because you think they sound "cute" and "britishy"
    4. So what's England like, have you met the queen, how is different from here???

    and just the general attitude people give me, I feel sometimes like a foreigner back in my own country.

    Even if I do sound slightly different, do you have to hyper focus on the way I sound or could you perhaps listen to the content of what I'm saying? It's exhausting. And it's lead to me just keeping my mouth shut in front of new people. Double edged sword, now everyone think I'm just cold and b****y
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    not sure if this counts.... but

    "it's" not okay to assume just because I am tall for a chick that I play basketball or volleyball.

    I used to get this ALL the time in high school!!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I have 5 kids, and often drag others around with me as well. I ALWAYS get

    ~Are they all yours?
    ~Do you own a tv?
    ~Don't you know what causes that?
    ~ Do you want/will you have more?
    ~Well, *I* could never have that many kids! (Nobody asked you to.)
    ~I could *never* stay home with my kids. They drive me crazy. (They'd probably drive me crazy too. Luckily I stay home with mine, not yours.)

    When i'm pregnant people seem to think they can just walk up and touch my belly. It doesn't matter if they know me or not, apparently pregnant bellies are public domain.

    When my babies were little I had more than one strange person come up to me and smell my baby. Yes, SMELL my baby. I always used to wash them in Johnson's Baby Wash. Random stranger would take a deep sniff of their teeny heads and say "oooohhhh I love the way babies smell!"

    It was kind of nice to see people loving on my babies, but a little weird when they were people I didn't know.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    for my it's my hair... but i very much enjoy attention and questions so itsnormally a good thing.. i do find it really weird when in im the grocery store or somewhere and people start petting me and exclaim something like oh its so soft! thank you yes it is, and i would have let you touch it if you would have asked, but you should have asked, becuase you scared me..
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    The biggest one I can think of is when I was applying to colleges 3 years ago. If I was asked where I was applying, I wouldn't mind answering at all. But no, the fact that I applied to some schools that are difficult to get into is not an open invitation for you to ask what my grades and SAT/ACT scores are!! If someone says he or she is applying to Harvard (not one of my actual schools), it doesn't matter if it's a longshot or a safety school; it's as rude to ask someone's grades and testing scores as it is to ask someone's income or weight. And what's the point of asking if they think they'll get in? They'll either feel embarrassed if they say no, or feel like a cocky jerk if they say yes. And people say it's kids with no manners... :D
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    My it...I am an auto finance manager..

    -No..I don't know what your credit looks like
    -No..I don't know the price for your '72 Chevy Vega
    -No..I don't know the cost for a Mercedes Maybach
    -No..I don't rob and steal from random people
    -No..I don't really care if you hate ALL auto people (I am not the person who took advantage of you. I actually do a full disclosure)
    -No..I don't go out shopping so you can ask me as many questions as you can think of in 45 seconds

    _There are so many more but I have to stop or this thread will be never ending....
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I don`t have anything anybody wants.pouty.gif
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    My hair is naturally very red...and in certain parts of the country (thank god not so much here in L.A.), people think it's ok to just come up to me and TOUCH MY HAIR!

    I don't mind people asking me if it's natural.
    I don't even mind when people ask me what brand my colorist uses and who he/she is. I truly take those comments as compliments...
    ...but if I don't know you, don't effing reach out and touch me unless I say you can! It's just as rude as touching a pregnant stranger's stomach.

    On 2 occasions, I've had scissor wielding people come up to me wanting to cut a snippet of my hair to take to their colorist to match. While it's flattering that they like my hair enough to want to copy it...are you effing kidding me? CUT OFF PART OF MY HAIR FOR YOU?! No.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    not sure if this counts.... but

    "it's" not okay to assume just because I am tall for a chick that I play basketball or volleyball.

    my sport is soccer, thanks!

    My husband's response is "no, I don't play basketball. Do you play miniature golf?"
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    ~ tell me the tattoo YOU want to get or your sister wants to get and ask my opinion. I'm just trying to buy a coffee, I don't care. And I'm pretty sure the tweety bird design you want is going to be awesome.

    Ok, but what if I wanted to get Sylvester the cat instead of tweety bird...would that still be awesome???

    hahhaahha. YES. Even more awesome.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    Yes, I do have an "it", but so far people have asked me if they could take a closer look. Mind you, only people who actually know me and whom I don't mind touching me :)
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    my favorite question of all was when i was in the chair last month getting my arm done and a lady said "Does it hurt?" ya think?

    My answer is always "Only until it stops." lol
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    ~ touch me. Seriously. Stop touching me. I can't tell you how many people have just grabbed my sleeve or back of my shirt to look under my clothes to see what else I've got going on.

    OH good lord, people do that to me too. And then they rub my tattoos.

  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    People giving me parenting advice. I have 4 kids, been there done that, got the t-shirt. I don't need your opinion on poop, breastfeeding, formula feeding, puke, food, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, making my own food, spanking, discipline or anything else kid related. I will raise my kids the best way I know how and do what I feel is best for them. If you don't like it, TOUGH!!!

    I can totally relate to this one too!

    ~this~ too. And being pregnant and getting pregnant advice and ppl touching my belly.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    wow, to the original poster...

    do you think people are creepy if they compliment you on your tattoos?

    im generally an outspoken person and enjoy being social.. your post makes me never want to say anything nice to someone again about their awesome artwork.

    thanks for that. :(
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member

    ~ tell me why YOU would never get a tattooo. I don't come up to you and tell you why i would NEVER wear the hairstyle you are wearing.

    If I had a penny for time someone said this to me about my tattoo or piercings.....It's RUDE and annoying, I don't think they get it. Usually they say that and I end the conversation by going silent and doing something else, makes it awkward and I never hear them say it again to me anyway.