

  • I would suggest looking around for a local farmer's market. We have been able to find veggies and fruits with as much as a 50% savings at our local farmer's market, and much better quality than the grocery stores in the area. Today we purchased four huge green peppers, four large cucumbers, four zucchini, and a huge head…
  • Bump? I just want to know if I am supposed to eat 2,483 calories per day?
  • My doctor has not put any restrictions. They only told me to do what doesn't cause me pain. I don't have the funds to buy any equipment, and I live in a rural area where it's difficult to get to the nearest YMCA. I can't do push ups on the floor, but the physical therapist I used to see taught me to do some wall type of…
  • So, I am supposed to consume 2,483 calories a day? Does that include the calories that will get burned by exercise once I start doing more?
  • My kids love 1/2 cup spinach, 2 teaspoons of yogurt, some almond milk (I eyeball it depending on how much I can fit in the cup), half a banana, and 1/2 a pear. I use a generic brand cup blender and I use the tall cups. I am still trying to find something that I like......