

  • Hi Angela, I just wanted to send you a quick note because I am on the same page with you regarding the sugar issue. I always go over my sugar, too. If the sugar is coming from natural sources (milk, fruit, etc.) I think it is ok. What we should really be avoiding are the processed, refined sugars. I try to buy bread &…
  • Hi ladies, I recently saw the "healthiest foods for pregnancy post" so I thought I would say hello so I can follow along. I'm currently 16 weeks with my first baby. I was fortunate to get to my goal weight before becoming pregnant. Now I'm just trying to eat healthy and stay within the recommended weight gain of 25 - 35…
  • First of all - Congratulations! On the question of ab exercises - I would talk to your doctor. Generally speaking, if you were doing it before you were pregnant, it's ok to continue doing it after becoming pregnant. Of course, there are always caveats to that. I've read that you shouldn't do floor exercises where you on…
  • I agree with the recommendation to drink a lot of water and eat fruits & veggies. Try a big bowl of some green leafy vegetables.
  • A similar question was posted on the fitsugar.com website. Here is the response: First off, great question. With everything we read about carbs, refined sugars, glycemic index, etc, it is easy to get confused when it comes to fruit because most fruits are rich in sugar. Sugar from fruit is called fructose. It is a simple…
  • I ran across a recipe for individual breakfast cookies that you make in the microwave. Here is a link to the blog where the recipe is posted: http://carrotsncake.com/2010/01/the-3-minute-oatmeal-raisin-cookie.html I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my list of things to try!
  • Everyone in my family loves this one: Ingredients: 1 lb asparagus (washed and trimmed) 1/4 cup ranch dressing (I use fat free) 1/4 cup parmesan cheese 1/2 cup Ritz cracker (crushed) Directions Steam asparagus for 2 minutes in microwave. Mix with ranch dressing and place in a casserole dish. Top with parmesan and Ritz…
  • I recently tried both cupcakes and a small cake using devil's food cake mix and a 15 oz. can of pumpkin puree. I also added 1 tsp of vanilla extract, a dash of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Mix it all up then bake according to the time/temp on the box. I will warn you that it is a little difficult to tell when…
  • Try chewing sugar free gum. It really helps me get past the sweet cravings.
  • My recommendation from MFP is 1200 calories a day. When I exercise, that number increases and I take advantage of it. 1200 calories a day can be pretty tough to follow, but I try to eat a lot of vegetables (broccoli escpecially) because they are low in calories but fill you up.
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