a little personal but...



  • Moolieloo
    Moolieloo Posts: 28 Member
    Well, I swear by Wheaties Fuel cereal. It must have a lot of fiber in it, cuz it works like a charm!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    since yesterday I've had an apple and a fiber one bar for a snack, made whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and marinara for dinner, had oatmeal for breakfast and repeated the apple and fiber one combo for a snack
    and i got NADA.

    zip. zilch. what is going on?!

    Fiber can take a bit to work and it should be a long-term solution. Aim for at least 25 grams of fiber/day with most of that coming from vegetables and fruit. Coffee also helps me get things moving in the morning. But, for a more immediate solution, you could try the teas suggested. I recently had the same problem and I used some epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in water. Tasted disgusting but it did the trick. It definitely isn't something to do on a regular basis, though. And, as someone previously mentioned, check your magnesium intake.
  • amorde1
    amorde1 Posts: 1
    Drink lots of water. Plain and simple. What goes in, has to come out. GLWT
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I know I say this alot but... Super Dieters Tea!!! It will clean you out, its not too harsh and if you drink a big mug an hour before bed when you get up you'll poo and feel so much lighter. Its not really a cleanse per say but being backed up is no good and it will clear the pipes.

    That super dieters tea is not good for you. It has Senna in it, which can be addictive for the colon and the bowels and they will stop working on their own (just like an addiction to laxatives).

    It is best to take a magnesium supplement. If you are already backed up adding more fiber can cause more problems.............

    I like the natural approach best............magnesium supplement and drink a cup of warm herbal tea, but not that dieters tea stuff.

    Just my opinion.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    since yesterday I've had an apple and a fiber one bar for a snack, made whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and marinara for dinner, had oatmeal for breakfast and repeated the apple and fiber one combo for a snack
    and i got NADA.

    zip. zilch. what is going on?!

    I would add a stool softener into the mix. Go for the most natural - prunes or prune juice. It will help to soften the stool that you have in your bowels already and then the extra fiber you've been taking will help carry it out. When you add extra fiber to your diet you really have to increase your water intake. I've noticed that too much fiber will constipate me if I don't drink tons of water.
    i've never done a colonic and have never een interested in them. I've tried a herbal cleanse and did not like the results.

    Try and go for a run. It really works for me. Every time I go for a run, after about 30 min I really bneed to run to the bathroom. Afterwards I feel really empty and light.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    since yesterday I've had an apple and a fiber one bar for a snack, made whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and marinara for dinner, had oatmeal for breakfast and repeated the apple and fiber one combo for a snack
    and i got NADA.

    zip. zilch. what is going on?!

    Fiber can compound the problems when you are already constipated..

    Lots of fluid - that is what causes constipation anyway, lack of water in the bowels. Hot tea, coffee and magnesium supplement.

    Fiber can also act as an irritant. Just an FYI...........so loads of fiber is not always good.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I worry about the same stuff... when I feel backed up, I cut out anything salty, greasy, or cheesy and try to stick to mostly raw foods. Eventually the fiber does its job. Unfortunately I also have gastroenteritis so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    since yesterday I've had an apple and a fiber one bar for a snack, made whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and marinara for dinner, had oatmeal for breakfast and repeated the apple and fiber one combo for a snack
    and i got NADA.

    zip. zilch. what is going on?!

    Did you try the COFFEE???
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    I agree with the person who said give the fiber some time! Even when you take something like Metamucil it says it takes 12 hours. Add some prune juice or something like it to speed things up for you. or eat something that you know causes you ta quick bathroom break. If I were to drink a glass of 2% milk I'd be in the bathroom withing 20 minutes!! lol
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I'm glad someone brought this up.

    I am never quite "regular" and am looking for ways to help with that.

    I take fiber supps and eat plenty of fruits and veggies and lots of water but it still doent quite do the trick.

    I was wondering if anyone has tried activia?

    I hate yogurt and hate even more to waste the calories on something I dont like but if it will work, I would goive it a shot.
  • kd_0115
    kd_0115 Posts: 10
    I agree with the recommendation to drink a lot of water and eat fruits & veggies. Try a big bowl of some green leafy vegetables.
  • smallmall
    smallmall Posts: 6
    The more fiber you eat the fuller you feel and therefore less you will want to binge eat. Fiber helps to clear your digestive tract but you must drink lots of water too as the fiber soaks up the water and then helps you to poop. increase your fiber gradually though otherwise you may end up with gas. Try eating wholegrains, veggies and fruit these have a lot of fiber.

    Sarah, personal trainer and nutrition coach
  • smallmall
    smallmall Posts: 6
    probiotics in yogurt will help you become more regular, but if you don't like yogurt don't force youself to eat it. drink, exercise eat fiber that will work, exercise really helps!!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    A moderate amount of fiber = good

    A LOT of fiber (i.e. Metamucil pigout) = bad

    The converse of what we think, too much fiber can cause constipation, gas, and digestive strife. Dietary fats, moderate fiber (I recommend flax), and plenty of liquid (water, or warm herbal tea - NOT laxative tea) will usually perform miracles. If something a little heavier is needed, try 1 tsp of epsom salt added to a glass of 8-10 oz lukewarm water. Drink...and be near a bathroom.

    Edit: oh yes, and also a magnesium tablet will help.
  • monteig
    monteig Posts: 65 Member
    I've done cleanses & colonics and I think they both work in the right time and place!

    But you also might want to try psyllium husks as a good source of "moving' fiber. You mix the husks with water or apple juice (I use both) and it usually takes about 3 - 4 days before you see regular results. I've been taking it for about a month now and I think it works well. Plus the psyllium has no taste and it is easy to drink.

    Also - lots of water and lots of broccoli seem to help! You really have to just find the right thing for you body.
  • Hazeyblue
    Hazeyblue Posts: 22
    Im booked in to go on Monday, but I have been suffering with IBS for the past 10 years, and I have been told by lots of people it helps that. But if it is just a temporary thing, I would go with the advise to up your fibre and water. New ways of eating take a while to get used to and your body needs time to adjust.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I eat Fiber bars and they really help. :happy: The only cleanse I've done was Dr. Schultz's Colon Cleanse. It was easy and as long as I remembered the pills, I was fine.
  • medrewiske
    medrewiske Posts: 51 Member
    I would also go the natural route and try to increase fiber.
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    A glass or two or red wine really helps me to get things moving. Though that could just be because I relax when I drink a glass.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Unfortunately, unexplained bowel problems are very common and it is unusual that fibre will 'fix' it. Aim for 25-30g fibre per day (going over will just add more bulk and worsen the problem) and drink loads of water. Sometimes people find that exercising in the morning helps. Also, a hot drink first thing in the morning - instant coffee is particularly effective - can really help.

    It's interesting that people recommend magnesium supplements... I would never do that but we do take people off them if they are having diarrhoea because one of the side-effects is stomach upset - so not sure if this is the 'solution' you are after.
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