RyanPerry2012 Member


  • Personally I use this calculator: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
  • A V-shake with almond milk and two eggs over hard! A bit cool here in Denver today.
  • I'm a big fan of the Nike Combat shorts.
  • If you have them, it would probably be a sharp pain that feels like it's right on the bone of your shin. I got them really bad the first time I trained for a half marathon; I would have to take days off at a time. What ended up working for me was buying a package of 3oz. Dixie cups, clearing some space in my freezer, and…
  • It's referring to your TEE (Total Energy Expenditure) which, for a "sedentary" ie. desk-job type is your RMR times about 1.2. So 2100 is pretty close.
  • $20 for a small gym that is 5am-10pm weekdays and 8-8 weekends. There's no sauna, pool, or locker room. It has great machines and is maybe the size of a strip mall pizza place. I pay it because it's WAY cheaper than 24 hour fitness.
  • I have substituted Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk into my shakes, which cuts ~60 calories and ~12g of sugar per cup. Considering I drink 2-3 shakes a day, this adds up. However, just for plain old drinking it straight, I can't stand anything but real milk (I use 1%). The above tastes like crap unless it's in a shake IMO.
  • I personally use La Favorita yellow corn low-salt tortilla chips, which you can buy in 2 lb. bags at Sam's Club. Per 1 oz., they're 60 calories and 2g fat. By far the "least-bad" tortilla chips I've ever found, and they actually taste just as good as any others.
  • I hate to put any negative spin on an awesome new venture, but which gym is it? After two family members recently joined Planet Fitness, I looked into it and the place is completely ridiculous and shouldn't even be allowed to call itself a gym. If it's a place that allows you to work out how YOU want and not how THEY limit…
  • I had the same issue, I was incredibly hungry (starving even) in the afternoon to the point where I'd eat more than I should have. I had a long talk with a friend who recently lost 100 lbs and 28% BF about his research into the Glycemic Index. It's equally as much about what you eat as when you eat it. For instance, I was…
  • I'm not sure about yogurt, but for what it's worth I just try to make small substitutions here and there to cut my sugar down. For instance I've switched to unsweetened almond milk in my protein shakes as opposed to 1% milk, which cuts 12g of sugar. Also using plain quaker oats as opposed to a pre-packaged oatmeal packet…
  • When I say I log weights as circuit training, I should caveat that I don't do weights in the format of "set, wait, set, wait." I go from a set of muscle group A directly into a set of muscle group B, then C, then rest maybe 20 seconds and do them all again 3x. So it does more closely resemble circuit training.
  • Weights are very tough to measure calories burned without an armband that tracks HR/sweat/etc like a Bodybugg. Personally I just enter it as "Circuit Training."
  • I used MapMyRun before, not bad but I ended up switching to RunKeeper. However I still use MapMyRun if I didn't have the phone and I want to get my distance.
  • Not quite as ripped as the examples you've given, but still more towards 2 for me.
  • Some people say that we are more likely to fall into bad snacking habits late at night than we are during the day, and so I think that's another reason this myth perpetuates. If you are able to continue picking healthy snacks and not over-do portions late at night, I don't see the problem.
  • Going as hard as you can does have the possibility of making you pass out, though. The very first time I ever did a hard workout in my life was on a spin bike and when I reached 192, that happened to me and it's the only time in my entire 29 years that I've ever blacked out. I was extremely out of shape; if someone says "I…
  • Herbie Wayne? ROFL. No, seriously.
  • IMO, nothing is hotter than a woman in great shape. You look amazing.
  • Kick-*kitten* last night.
  • If I go to Chili's, I usually get a small bowl of chili (no cheese, no sour cream, etc) which is still awesome. Or if I want a full meal, I'll get the grilled steak and chicken fajitas, hold the cheese, sour cream, all that fattening stuff. Just the grilled meat and one or two tortillas in moderation are great, as long as…
  • What were you doing there? ;)
  • Not yet.. just got through seeing all the biggest shows I wanted to (Trivium & In Flames, and before that Thrice.. my taste is a bit all over the place) and now I don't know what to look forward to!
  • I feel the point at which you're "a runner" is when you are just sitting around, and you decide to get up and run, however far it may be. I'd say you're already well into being a runner.
  • I recently found "Walden Farms" dressing at a local Sprouts (farmer's market). They have an enormous selection and variety of salad dressings, all of which have no sugar, fat, carbs, gluten or cholesterol. They're great! And they have Russian dressing, which is my absolute favorite.
  • Buffalo chicken on wheat, no cheese, no sauce, tons of spinach, tons of black olives and jalapenos!
  • My favorite are Balega Ultra Cushioned Quarter Socks. http://www.holabirdsports.com/balega-ultra-cushioned-quarter-socks-men.html These made an enormous difference for me, in terms of getting less blisters, keeping my feet cooler while running and not having sweat-soaked feet after a run. I got my first pair a week before…
  • I wish you the best of luck; I have been told several times over the past few years to stop running and rest an injury, albeit for nothing as serious as this.. and it SUCKS. I am stubborn and younger me would not listen to the doc and run anyway. However now I like to think I am wiser, but sometimes that "don't run for a…
  • For what it's worth, I personally found it very user-friendly and was mostly accustomed to it by my second run. If you take full advantage of the online features, the data it records can potentially be extremely useful to you in analyzing your runs and preparing for future training. Especially during a long distance run…