anti Member


  • OK, thanks. I'll definitely look into taking antacids for a few weeks while I wait for it to settle down.
  • Thanks for the replies and suggestions. Just to clarify, I've not had previous stomach problems. Also, I'm eating the same kind of food as before, just adjusting the portions (although I am trying to cut down on the junk and opt for more vegetables). Since this began I also have cut out spicy food/sauces.
  • Thanks for all the replies. I'll certainly take on board the advice.
  • > when i finish walking im almost in tears Are you stretching your leg muscles properly beforehand? Even though you think it's just a short walk, and that you shouldn't need to stretch, you actually do if you're pushing yourself. If I don't stretch, I always get excruciating 'shin-splints' within the first 100 metres. I…
  • Sorry, double post.
  • Amazing progress. You look stunning. Question: I don't know much about weightloss, but I thought the safe level of loss was around 0.5kg (1 lb) per week. ie. a 500 calorie deficit per day. You appear to be losing 2kg (4.4 lbs) per week. Can you share your average calorie intake and how many cals you burn at the gym? Thanks.
  • Thanks for all the reassurance. I definitely feel better already, so I'll keep doing it on that basis alone. I guess I'll need to be patient for a month more before re-evaluating my intake and exercise level. Thanks.
  • I think using smaller plates is still a good habit, even if you're measuring your food, since studies show that psychologically people feel more satisfied with less food when it's served on 8" plates instead of 10" or 12" plates. My reasoning for trying not to 'calorie count' is that there are plenty of thin, healthy…
  • Personally I'm not really into doing food diaries or measuring calories, as it goes against the idea that to get to and stay at a healthy weight requires a lifestyle change rather than a diet. Plus I don't have time for it. I think the main thing is for me to be aware that I was probably eating double of what is necessary.…
  • I'm glad to know there's a name for this; I thought it was just me and my wee chicken legs! I can only jog 1km before this starts happening. It's always put me right off jogging, even though we've got a fantastic park right next to us . It's great that I can now look up some stretches to prevent it, and look up this 10%…
  • Yep, there are some really good suggestions and perspectives for sure. Lots to think about. I'm really quite jealous of anyone who can have a bad day at work, and then feels that going for a workout can somehow turn a hard, stressful day into a successful, enjoyable one, as though the exercise is some kind of reward that…
  • Thanks for your post David. > Overcoming those "this is boring", "this hurts, "this is plain hell" barriers is > actually the same thing that confronts every single person who exercises But there is a big difference between me and the 'gym monkeys' I know. I can dig-in and go past pain thresholds, just as well as they can.…
  • > where do you live now? I moved from UK to a small European island. > Maybe you can find a local class Thanks for the suggestion, but I can't see myself doing classes of any sort, or even going to a gym. Cheers for the other replies.