

  • you have to watch your sodium intake as well and pork is high in sodium so just limit the amounts
  • It depends on if you are trying to lose weight or not. To lose weight you need to create a caloric deficit of about 500 calories a day. Than means you need to burn off 500 calories more than what you take in. So if you exercise to lose weight (1 - 2 lbs a week at most) then do not eat the burnt off calories. To maintain…
  • yes it is possible, however it will take discipline and time. repeated good choices both exercise and nutrition wise will obtain the results that you desire, but you must maintain a calorie deficit while providing your body the fuel it needs for each day. think 50% protein, 30 % carbs, 20% fat daily day after day, month…
    in ABS Comment by anthonyd April 2009
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