

  • Hi Everybody, I've just discovered this great site !! I'm 53 - I presume I'm going through or have been through or.... whatever, the menopause but I don't know as I suffer from a neurological disorder and the drugs I'm on stopped my periods years ago. The same drugs contributed to my weight gain - but I'm on a mission now…
  • Hi Gradysgramma, I'm 53 so near enough to you in age. I know what you mean about feeling round and like you're entering the final stage of a journey. I felt exactly the same way. I never had to worry about my weight - other than keeping an eye on it - until I was diagnosed with a neurological illness some years ago. I am…
  • Well worth joining here .... you get so much support when you need it most !! It's really helped me in my efforts - so many times I felt like throwing in the towel but the girls here have kept me going. You'll find the same ... good luck with your efforts.........
  • I'm just 3 lbs. over 200 - should be joining you guys real soon......... I hope !!! Keep up the good work everybody and very well done !! X
  • Oh, sooooo well done you !!! :flowerforyou: You must be really proud of yourself - I'm terribly proud of you !! :bigsmile: You made it to the end....... such staying power !! Bet your skinny jeans look amazing on you, Skinny Minnie !! :wink: : Congratulations on a very well done job !! Hopefully, one day I'll be able to…
  • Hi Nansie, You've come to the right place for support..... this is a great site and everybody is so encouraging and supportive. A really nice bunch of people !! You won't be short of support here. Good luck with your weight loss. :flowerforyou:
    in I'm New Comment by MimsDR August 2010
  • Give it up Hunni....... You know you are gonna lose weight in Haiti...... you need a few lbs. in reserve and, to be honest, you don't have eough in reserve right now. You'll lose sooo much weight working all day in that heat and that humidity....... Besides you are skinny now anyway - you have done wonderfully well !! X…
  • Thought of that - might stick em up on the shelf at the back door or in the boiler house !! :wink:
  • NOTE TO SELF : Wear Trainers when walking !! I walked the last couple of times wearing the wrong shoes, coz I couldn't get my trainers without the dogs knowing I was going for a walk ........now I have shin splints and won't be able to walk for a couple of days.
  • Hi JoJo, I'm only starting myself - just completed day 4 - and I really wish I only had 20 lbs to lose !! This site is grat fun - the girls are soo good at encouraging and motivating each other - you'll love it !! Keep it up - do your food tracker every day and you'll be well on the way by Fall !! Mims. :wink:
  • Aw thanks Team 70455 and Molberts .............. I'm gonna need all the help and support I can get !! If I think about all the weight I have to lose I'm tempted to just throw the towel in - but I really want to do this so I'm really gonna try to stick it out ............ X :ohwell: