That will change eventually. It is my understanding that BMI scales were created by insurance companies. It does not take into account bone structure, lean muscle mass or fitness level. Waist measurement does not either however, there are studies out that show that the waist measurement is reliable as well as a predictor…
I agree that BMI is a joke. As a health care professional I can tell you the the most important measurement you need to be concerned about is your waist measurement. Your waist measurement should be less than or equal to one half of your height. So at 5'6" you are 66 inches in height therefore your waist measurement should…
Get your hands on some hemp protein and add it to smoothies. Also add hemp to your yogurt and salads. Amazing stuff!
I am fortunate that my 17 year old son have a very open relationship and he has asked me questions about sex/sexuality and relationships I would never would have asked my parents (EVER). I also agree that no talk is warranted or encouraged. However, you should apologize for walking in on him and that from now on you will…
Hi, My son is 7 months old. I have struggled with PPD with my last two babies (I have three). I totally understand where you are at right now. When I was nursing I self medicated myself with food. The worse part is, the more you eat to feel better or fill the boredom the more weight you gain. Then you feel worse about how…