

  • Go back a few days, weeks, or even months and you will find tons of posts about plateaus. It happens to almost everyone and there are many causes. You seem fixed on it being medical and that may very well be so you will get the 'see your doctor' advice. It could also be your calorie intake, food choices, exercise, salt…
  • Unless he came across as creepy, and you don't mention that anywhere, then take it for the compliment it was and don't over analyze. He was complementing your level of effort. Feel good that you made that sort of impression on someone tonight.
  • What weight were you when you and the ex split up? A long time ago I read an article that talked about how when people return to the weight that a tragic event happened in their life they can start feeling those same emotions again. Also, as you are getting in better shape your libido increases and maybe you and the ex had…
  • I do 5-10 mins of cardio as a warm-up, then weights, then an hour of cardio afterwards. As others have said, it's easy to go on autopilot doing cardio at the end of your workout.
  • What Lozze said and other people touched on... The best exercise is the one you are willing to do!!! I cannot stress this point enough! People can say that rowing or biking is the better exercise but if you end up hating the motion, the machine, etc then you aren't going to do it. I love the concept 2 rowing machine. It's…
  • 42-65 is horrible and your blood sugar should never be that low. Add in the margin of error for most meters and you could go into diabetic shock (kinda surprised you haven't with it that low). I would recommend talking to your doctor and either try different meds or change the dosage.