JenR1008 Member


  • i used cream this morning and it seems to make a difference. Something so simple. Just strange to me. Thanks everyone!
  • I think I am going to try steel cut in the crock pot. I use milk in my oatmeal. I just found it strange. I am going to continue to add my dried fruits. Thanks everyone!
  • It happens. I started eating right right before Thanksgiving. I made it through the holiday season losing weight. You cannot punish yourself for a day or a weekend you enjoy yourself. just keep logging. that is what i did. I logged everything. Keep it up! :)
  • I had that issue yesterday. I ate everything in sight. Today was weigh in. I am surprised that I lost. Just keep tracking. That is what I have been doing.
  • We call can do this. I have learned that I need to eat the same thing got breakfast, greek yogurt. that seems to keep me moving in the right direction. I need to start working out, so, kudos to you! WAY TO GO!!!
  • I sweat in social situations due to anxiety. That being said, if someone is working out and not sweating I would think they have a medical issue. The body sweats to cool off. If you are not sweating you are not doing it correctly.
  • Yes it is a prescription. Because I get severe migraines there are some things I cannot take. I will ask my doc about this. The water weight will go away. What really bothers me, is that, until I started tracking my food I never noticed this behavior. I just shocked me. Today was great though. I was 12 calories over my and…
  • The article and everyone's words help. After so many years of trying and failing. It just felt like failing again. I have to try to keep things in perspective. I knew that I ate a lot of salt yesterday. I also know that my pants are still too big. :smile:
  • Thanks!
  • I was checking out the Fitbit app. I am doing some my research for myself. It's seems it's 50/50 between those that like it and those that do not. If I can find a used one I might give it a shot. Is that weird?
  • I have a pedometer on my Samsung. I feel like that might do the same as the Fitbit. I think there are heart rate apps out there, yes?
  • Yesterday and today I totally overate! Only this time I'm not saying screw it and giving up. This time in saying I'm not perfect and tomorrow is another to get up and try again. Another day to tell myself I am worth it and I care about me. I was just getting on here to say how badly I screwed up but after reading all these…
  • It's gotten better since monday. I do seem to need to eat more in the morning. There is some like a king in the morning and a pauper at night...looking at my diary that seems to hold true.
  • I think I am going to start at weekly. I do not believe daily is a good idea for me. I almost feel like if I did I might develop an eating disorder. I know that sounds very strange but after everything I have been through in the past year....I could go that way.
  • I kept telling myself to be mindful that day. It just did not work. Today was great and I have a few calories left over. I even got a PB cookie with PB cup stuffed inside for dessert! the amazing thing is that 1 cookie was enough.
  • I am adding fibrous fruit to the oatmeal. Seems to help and I need to eat 1.5 servings. Its a small trade off considering I am not eating everything in sight now. That was an awful feeling.
  • I wish I could. I'm always so proud of the people that can and just a little there isn't a gym near me. The one I joined is 30 minutes away and I would have to drive back 20 minutes to get to my job. And after all the excuses....I know I should just do it.
  • I am 610 calories over tonight. I have no idea what happened today. I finally felt full after 10:30 when I ate the last of my smart pop popcorn. I'm going to chalk this up to one bad day and move forward. I had a nice dinner and I feel good. Thanks everyone!
  • Oatmeal, then I got an egg and cheese sandwich. The oatmeal usually malkes me full. This weekend was very stressful...could that have an affect?
  • Boar's Head has an amazing selection of lower sodium lunch meats and cheeses. They range from 25% to 47% lower sodium. They are the only lunch meats and cheeses I buy. They are a bit pricer but the taste is worth it. For packaged products....Hillshire Farms has reduced sodium meats but the selection is not as varied as…
  • One word......inspirational!
  • That is why I don't share my diary either. People are here to learn to be healthier and get support in this endeavor. I myself am trying to lose weight but you are here for another reason. It is call MyFitnessPal that title alone means it will be different things to different people. If people are so angry they lash out at…
  • I am just starting out to lose weight. I have never run a day in my life but I am going to give this a shot. Doing something new just sounds good to me.
  • My doctor has told me you have to eat to lose. Meaning you have to eat healthier foods or foods in moderation. I am learning this by making my struggle public. Restricting oneself and not exercising will kill you. People just don't get it because they want to be what they see or what they believe is a social ideal.…
  • You are not alone. I am 5'4 and weight 264. This is the most I have ever weighed and I decided enough is enough. We are in this together and the support I am finding here is wonderful. This group of people is so motivating. Just reach out for help...I did and the number of people that stepped up was amazing.