

  • Kbirky73, that's all part of being human. we all make mistakes and we all have days that we just want to revert to our old ways. It is definitely easy to fall off the wagon, a lot easier than getting back on. Persistence in the face of adversity is what defines who we are. Making mistakes is human, how we recover from them…
  • please read Repairing your broken furnace (Metabolism) for an in depth guide on when to eat what and to eat what with what. Lengthy read, but full of good info. here's the link to it.
  • There's my buddy Mgullete!!! YES P90X "works" but just like Mgullete said, it only works if you do it! and do it 100% you can't cheat on one of the other (nutrition or workouts) or both.. Just like they say Decide, Commit, Succeed. and it takes all 3 Deciding is the first part. Committing is the hardest, part, Succeeding…
    in P90X Comment by nerveracker March 2009
  • Jdelisle, it's ok. don't stress yourself out, stress causes weight gain!! (no joke) it causes the body to store fat. now, try something for me, please read Scales, Who needs them? post. and please do not allow your scales to be your benchmark. It's not about scales, it's about your body fat %. if you're working out, and…
  • Here's a good estimate of what your protein count should be per day. If you're athletic, working out, have a good fitness plan, you should be getting about 1.1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight daily. Protein EVERY meal.. Every snack, all day! Proteins are the best for your metabolism. Check out my post Repairing…
  • remember the keys to success here are "diet"/nutrition AND exercise/fitness. Attitude, towards yourself. Commitment to want to succeed. Motivation to get up out of your chair and go do it. Sacrifices that you make to achieve your goals. Finally it takes the true desire to want to change.
  • ajasiak, there is no "quick" fix to loosing weight. That is the problem with our soceity now, we're used to getting everything at once and getting it yesterday. "weight loss" if you wanna call it that, requires a lot more effort than taking a pill, or getting your colon cleaned. "Weight loss" (yes I use that term VERY…
  • arrrrgh, gotta hate that. Kerrilucko you nailed it, weight fluctuates even from hour to hour, not to mention day to day. please, please, please! stop relying on your scale for your benchmark. take a look at Scales, Who needs em? post to see what I mean..
  • Scales, now there's a harsh word for many people, including myself. I hate them, they lie every time I step on one. I KNOW I don't weigh THAT much! sheezh.. And I know after counting all those calories, watching my carbs, and making sure I get the proteins I need, man it's just not moving in the right direction. Ever have…
  • Wildkat, you're welcome. I'm glad that the info is reaching out there! I'm just glad everyone has a chance to learn it, and see how they can change the way they're eating. This site does a tremendous job of that, but now to time your meals to get max results.. now, that is MONEY! and you nailed it! All you dieters out…
  • Welcome home Stacey!. BRING IT!!!!! P90X is my life for the next xxxxxxxxxxxx weeks!!! I started on 2/23/09 and going into my 3rd week today. It's a wonderful program. Stick hard to the nutrition, that's @ 90% of it. and the rest is just pusing play EVERYDAY and bringing it everytime ya push that play button. I have an…
  • Ivykivy, There are many forms of protein out there that contains low fat, Chicken, turkey and fish are prime examples. Also your whey protein suppliments (whey protein shake mixes or even premixed. ) EAS Advant are good they are premixed, 17g of protein per 110z shake, and they actually taste very good (I get mine at…
  • Spiritmi, you're welcome and I hope it aids as many people that reads it. I never realized until I began my fitness campaign that so many little things such as when to eat certain foods can make so much of a difference. But it does. This article was shared with me by just another Joe that made a lifestyle change and he…
  • EEEEEK 5 letter 'S' word. (scale) yeah that's the one!. That one word is your actual worst enemy. Wanna really find a way to mark your progress, get an old fashioned tape measure and really figure out your body fat % and keep that calculated. Because scales will go up and down, today you'll be down 3 lbs, tomorrow you'll…
    in Scales Comment by nerveracker March 2009
  • I am very glad you found this helpful and informative. I know so many people if they would just change how they eat and when they eat what they eat it will make a huge difference. Long article, but good info. Thank you all that read it for taking the time to do just that. I hope it can help you understand more about your…
  • I find that it's pretty much what ever is comfortable... usually a pair of shorts, sometimes my Adidas shoes, sometimes my Sketchers, shirt is optional, depending on how cold/warm in the house it is
  • How's Your METABOLISM? This article by Terry Christian will hopefully eliminate any confusion you might have about your nurtrition plans. The Metabolism Repair Plan Not a "no carbs" plan, but a know carbs plan. by Terry Christian We hate to tell you this, but there's a good chance your furnace is broken. No, we're not…
  • Heya Spry, allow me to pass along some info I was given about sodium. Don't stress over sodium too terribly much as long as you're drinking LOTS of water, (8 cups/64oz is a minimum anyone should drink) Try to drink a few liters of water every day. Also as long as you have a good exercise/fitness program you're doing, the…
  • You can do it! Loosing weight is easy once you really learn how. Everybody says diet and exercise. They're 100% dead on. Good for you, you already know it's gonna take some work!!!! Good job for you in making a decision to change your lifestyle. I started a few weeks ago, so I'm relatively new as well. I personally track…
  • Hi there! Trumphs, welcome! I want to let you in on a secret! don't stop eating. Exactly what shannon said! but not only that. your body will store fat when you're not eating. It's kinda like feeding a furnace. You want to keep your furnace going (especially when it's cold out) so you have to supply it with fuel. Well,…
  • Yes, you can! Anybody can. I'll let you in on a little secret. Yes anybody can do this. It takes some effort, you have to make a commitment to your self to do it. I believe that the only thing that gets in anyone's is them selves. we are our own worst enemies. We want what is best, but we trade what we really want the most…
  • Clifford89, You can do it! Loosing weight is easy once you really learn how. Everybody says diet and exercise. They're 100% dead on! Good job for you in making a lifestyle change I started a few weeks ago, so I'm relatively new as well. I personally track Body Fat % over what the scales read, simply put, the old cliche,…
    in Newbie Comment by nerveracker March 2009
  • basically if I understand it, it's kinda like this... you get your body going by working out every day, every other day whatever. Now your BMR goes UP (Basic Metabolic Rate burning calories while just breathing) With your BMR going up, that means that your body actually needs more calories to burn when you're working out.…
  • I assume you're trying keep your portions under control. and have you a snack an hour or so before bed. but keep it small and LOW carb, high protein. you don't want your body making insulin while you sleep and storing all those carbs as fat. sounds like you're drinking water keep that up! also try to take your time eating…