This is a huge problem for me-- but let yourself eat-- but record everything in MFP. I have been doing this and it is such a pain to record a small amount of food it usually makes me not want to eat while I am preparing food. This works for me.
This is awesome-- a true inspiration!!!
:smile: Everyday when I wake up,. I log onton MFP and my 5 year old daughter asks to see the frog. (the frog on my weight loss ticker) and if has moved (when I lost weight) she gets very excited. That motivates me more than anything else.
I just did my first workout tonight--- my 5.5 year old daugter and 4 year old son were doing it with me. My daugter looked at me half way thru and said, " daddy why are you so wet?" Needless to say I could use some encouragment doing this-- it is truly hard, I want to quit but know it will be so good for me not to.
Morning workouts help me stay on track all day with eating--- Also if I wait till later to exercise I can easily talk myself out of not exercising.
I can relate-- I can honesty say that this ap- system is great-- I would loose lots of weight quickly-- then gain it back-- Here it is easy to track what you eat, how you exercise and there are lots of encouraging people to help you out. THis is the first time that I feel I can loose slowly and keep it off.
thanks for the encouragement. Everyone tells me that if you loose weight fast it is water weight. I know that this is silly, but what is water weight? I always loose around 10 lbs quickly on a diet, but I almost am always drink a ton of water. How am I loosing water weight if I am drinking a lot of water? thanks
Had a physical and am totally fit-- blood sugar, cholesterol, etc. just need to loose weight. I can always loose weight-- ex. adkins, south beach, juicing, etc, just never been able to keep it off.
definetely in the morning 6am