I'm trying to maintain as well . So far just entered the 2nd trimester and gained about 1 pound in the first .
Thank you ! This is my second my first is 6 years old we figured it was time to give him a sibling we don't know what we're having yet. But we are all excited !:)
Thank you so much this made me feel so much better .❤️
Thank you ❤️
So I just got back from my second follow up . They told me everything I was experiencing was normal. Showering ,cleaning , walking around , taking stairs are all normal reasons for your heart rate to go up over 100 and even into the 120 130 . But tachycardia is more when your resting and your heart rate shoots over 100 or…
I did they still require a reason why and doctors referral .
Thanks so much ❤️ I'll keep you guys posted
Internet is not helping came across (pots) I'm terrified literally having a mental break down this is such a terrible feeling . I'm terrified of having to take meds to regulate my heart for the rest of my life
I'm sure something isn't right I will keep going until I get my way I know that caffeine dosage must of threw something off made something go hay wire for sure . I've had my heart checked through ultrasound a few years ago everything was great and healthy I say around 2012-2013 . Also all recent test have been normal twice…
Great thanks so much !
I have to follow up again with the doctor in order to be referred . Nov 5 I'll be seeing my doctor .
Thank you ! Were would I be able to purchase it .?
I wasn't clear all symptoms started after the preworkout except the achy muscle im honestly not sure if it would even be related .
Well it's now been 9 days since I've took the preworkout . I have done what the doctor said since Friday I've drank 3 gallons of water and 2 Gatorade bottles ..... Drinking Gatorade helped me feel better . The last two days I wasn't having spikes. I'll get up walk around the highest I got was 111 and 109 . I was able to…
Thank you all for your help, advice and experiences. I truly appreciate it . ❤️
A cardiologist is my next bet if this doesn't subside .:/
@gia07 your totally correct the doctor did suggest Gatorade along with water .
Hey everyone so I went today and basically they told me I'm dehydrated . I don't understand I have most of the symptoms except dark urine it's dark in the morning but as I drink water throughout the day I'm fine except for the thirst etc . Glucose is all good . Idk I'm really questioning the dehydration diagnoses . I was…
Hey everyone so I went today and basically they told me I'm dehydrated . I don't understand I have most of the symptoms except dark urine it's dark in the morning but as I drink water throughout the day I'm fine except for the thirst etc . Glucose is all good . Idk I'm really questioning the dehydration diagnoses . I was…
I believe that could be a possibility I pretty much freak when it comes to anything that has to do with health . I'll bring that up with the doctors tomorrow as well thank you . ❤️
Thanks so much everyone ❤️ No caffeine for me it's been hard but I learned my lesson . I thought that too I don't know exactly how anxiety feels . I find myself calm with the thought constantly in my head especially when I'm checking my heart rate .
Btw I have a follow up tomorrow morning with my doctor I'll keep you guys posted ❤️
5 days later and I'm still dealing with the sinus tachycardia everytime I get up I have to move slow heart rate shoots to 120's today while doing things like cleaning 140,s -150,s max doing my hair etc. This all started after that pre workout dose . The out of breath feeling when it goes up . I would have experienced that…
Hey guys I took essential amino energy max dose . I went to the er again they ran a bunch of test repeated and extra . ekg put me on a monitor Did urine Checked thyroids All the blood work screenings Gave me Iv's Checked for clots Heart rhym is normal doctors explained it was just accelerated like I was in the middle of a…
I notice when taking deep breaths it helps lower my heart rate I'm not sure if it's because I constantly think of it or its anxiety followed by days without caffeine . Or maybe there is something wrong that's triggering them everytime i get up I feel great when I'm just in bed even at night it seems to be normal
I would like to add that I chugged it as well . I didn't sip it .
Im not trying to starve myself. I'm just trying to eat a good amount of calories and still loose weight . So 1,200 calories is to little .? Should I bump it up .?
Wait so I'm not suppose to have a cheat meal. I'm confused. I thought this method was commonly used to shock your body and avoid a platoue .
Yes I have as of mid January .
Not for another two weeks or so ?